Chapter 6

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"C'mon kid, there's no way you don't know who Nick Fury is." Tony chuckled, his voice going low as he crossed his arms. It wasnt threatening, only to joke.

"Yeah I've heard his name, but I-uh, never actually got to know anything about him. We had to keep stuff hidden at the orphanage, so I couldn't really get anything about him." Peter shrugged, hoping Tony couldn't see through his lie. He decided to mention the orphanage to hopefully make him drop the conversation.

Peter had in fact met Fury before, well, Spider-Man did, but its still the same thing. They didn't exactly meet, Peter saved him from almost crashing into a getaway car, and he almost didn't recognize the man. As he was leaving the scene after stopping the driver and having him arrested, Fury tried to talk to him, to properly thank him.

Spider-Man did what he did best, he gave a simple nod and zoomed off into the sky.

Tony believed him, nodding regretfully at Peter mentioning the orphanage. "You'll like him, Pete. Hes nice."

"Tony, don't lie to the kid." Clint said, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder. He recoiled slightly, flinching roughly, and Clint quickly removed his hand. "Sorry kid, didn't mean to scare you."

Peter nodded, flashing him a smile. "I'm alright, when am I meeting him?" He asked nervously.

"Right now, hes kind of waiting on me."

"Oh! Shoot, I'm sorry Mr. Stark I didnt mean to cause any trouble, yeah let's go before he gets mad."

Clint chuckled. "I'm gonna stay down here, ya know, and clean up. You two go without me."

"Already planned on it." Tony smirked and turned on his heels, heading towards the door. Peter walked shyly behind him.

"Rude!" Clint yelled after him as the doors closed behind Peter.

They began walking silently. Peter kept glancing at Tony to see if he could read anything from the man. He seemed cold at the moment, his lips pulled into a straight line, no smile or hints of any sort of humor on his face. His eyes seemed cold as the silent made Peter get chills. As soon as Tony looked at his kids face, his lips formed into a smile, his eyes bright.

"What're you looking at, kid?" He chuckled, and Peter's heart stopped as he got caught.

"Ahm, sorry- I didn't mean to stare at you. You look alot cooler in person, then in my magazines." Peter mumbled, catching Tony off guard with his response.

"Well, thank you." Tony smiled softly once again, and stopped at the double doors. "Peter, this is the meeting room. Inside, is the 'infamous' Nick Fury. You can say whatever you want to him, but don't tell him about you training with Clint. He would be on my ass about allowing a kid to train."

Peter took a deep breathe. "Yeah, seems easy enough."

Tony nodded and slowly opened the doors, and was met by some familiar faces. He seen Bucky sitting next to Steve, and spotted them holding hands under the table. Steve brought his other hand up to wave. "Oh hey, Peter!"

Bucky nodded with a small smile, not saying anything.

Natasha sat against the table, but looked up once Peter and Tony entered. "Ah, you found the kid. Where was he?"

"He fell asleep in a guest room." Tony lied, forcing a chuckle. "He forgot where his room was."

"And FRIDAY wouldn't tell you information as simple as that?" Bruce piped up in the corner, fixing his hair with his hands. Tony glared at him, and Bruce quickly understood. "Well, no matter. Did you find Clint?"

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