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"Kaldur?" Megan called, sounding confused.

"Over here." I raised my hand and she flew over. "How do you think you did?"

"Good. How about you?"

"Better than I first thought I would." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I was not sure they would give me my water bearers back, and it was pure luck they had a fully functional water system. I believe if we hurry we will be able to watch Conner and Wally take the exam."

I wish I could warn them, especially Artemis and Robin.

We cannot risk giving away your telepathy, and out of everyone they are the two I am least worried about.

They probably won't let them use their weapons.

Yes, but the two of them succeeded where we could not during the attack on the Cave. Both of them can turn this situation to their advantaged. Personally, I am worried if Conner will fail purely by the amount of property damage he may cause taking down the zero-pointer.

He's getting better!

I sighed and rolled my shoulders. There is a limit to my generation of electricity, and the amount I used to safely deactivate the robot strained me further than normal. There is still room for improvement, it is in no way his fault. If the blame lies on anyone-

It's not your fault, Kaldur.

Actually, I was referring to Superman.

Megan and I walked into the observation room. Eraserhead leaned against the wall, staring at the screens. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. "Can you turn the brightness down?'

"Not all of us have cat eyes like you, Sho." Another hero said, elbowing him. I stared at the screen, watching Wally taunt robot after robot. "Geez, watch that kid go."

Is it safe to assume you are translating?

Yeah, I'm making sure to use the least aware out of whoever we're around, and it's even one way.

I suppose the extra training with her uncle has been paying off.

"It won't do any good-"

"IS HE SERIOUSLY MAKING A TORNADO?!" the hero yelled. Megan and I flinched and covered our ears.

"Kaldur, the trauma is reemerging." Megan managed a smile. Heads snapped to look at us, apparently not having heard us come in. Or, and this option was much more likely, they were concerned about what Megan said.

"We know someone with a similar quirk, and we have been on the wrong side of accidental-" Though in all reality it was anything but that. "-activation more than once," I said, earning relieved looks and understanding nods. The timer hit zero.

"The exam is now over. Please exit the testing grounds and report to the observation room." The principal said. He leaned back. "Conner seems to have quite the quirk. Attacks don't seem to phase him at all. Exactly what are his limits?"

"It is not something we are eager to discover."

Soon, Connor and Wally joined us in the observation room. The hero, who was apparently known as Present Mic, started talking a mile a minute. If he were talking to anyone but Wally, and possibly Robin, perhaps there would've been some confusion, but as Wally could talk faster than anyone excluding the Flash it was fine. Some of the snippets I caught included:

"How fast can you go?"

"What's everything look like when you run?"

"If you run faster than sound, then couldn't you run and hear your own voice?"

"Begin," the principal said. All attention returned to the screens. Robin and Artemis skidded to a stop in their respective arenas, frozen for a few seconds. Without the cameras zooming on their faces, it was impossible to tell their exact expression, but I didn't need them to tell me their minds were flashing back to the Cave. It is what I had done; the robot may not appear human, but to walk into a similar situation...It brought back memories all of us wish we could forget.

"What's up with all of you guys freezing up? From what Eraser told us, you didn't hesitate to start fighting him." A large dog-like man asked.

"Evil androids attacked us at home once. We almost died, not a fun time," Wally said, shaking his head. He rubbed at his arms and neck, places I knew the metal had been pressed tight. "Rob and Artemis arrived in the middle of everything. I don't know everything that happened, but once we took down the evil androids, our resident android showed up and also tried to kill us."

"Wally, that was not his fault."

"I know, dude, but having all of the air pulled out of my lungs sucked."

I swallowed and rubbed my throat, shooting Wally a pointed look. His eyes widened and he stuttered out an apology. Out of everyone, that attack affected me the most. For a few days, I refused to leave the pool, too scared of having the air ripped from my lungs again. I hated it. I felt as though I was failing my king by returning to the water for comfort. 

"Artemis would be doing better if you let her use her bow," Conner said. 

"The little listener seems to be doing just fine without it," Present Mic said. He was not lying. Artemis took down bot after bot, using a piece of jagged metal to disable them. When she could, she'd rescue the 'civilians' or lead the robots away. "I can't say the same about the other one though." Robin was rushing around the fake city, a pair of sunglasses on his face. Even without his standard equipment, his mobility was shocking. "He hasn't taken out a single bot."

"He shouldn't be in here." Eraserhead crossed his arms. "Especially if he's playing around."

Wally hit his head. "Hello, Wally. Can I see the microphone? Thanks." He snatched it from the principal before he could reply. "Rob, whatever you're planning, just do it."

Robin looked towards a camera and grinned. He leapt off a building and landed onto of a one-pointer. It was quickly dispatched. Robin poked around, before opening a control panel. Wires were pulled and twisted and a cable connected to the phone he borrowed from Conner. Hy typed, chewed his lip, and then, with great flair and exaggeration, he pressed send.

All of the robots shut down, including the ones in Artemis's area. 

I smiled. "I would appreciate it if you did not underestimate my friends. Even without powers, they are capable of being heroes."

Eraserhead shook his head, staring at the blinking scores with a small smile on his lips. "I never thought they weren't."

Do I have issues with starting fanfics? yes. Will I stop? No.

Does my mom's friend's daughter have th cutest fluffiest kitten. YES!

its adorable

See yah

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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