eighty seven

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zayn keeps his eyes trained on the new face when he entered the room. he had heard them talking as he stood outside the door. he had no idea who harry was speaking to and at first he thought it was niall, but the voice didn't match up. then he hears harry say something about a ben which gets zayn confused because he has no idea who that is, but it's clear to him who it is as they get deeper into their little conversation and zayn just didn't like the sounds of it. he didn't like the direction it was going in and he didn't want it to go any further.

zayn's eyes landed upon the guy's hand, resting in harry's and his jaw clenches tightly. he already didn't like him and he doesn't even know him. not only that, but harry has tears streaming down his face. he looks distressed about something, and honestly with the state he is in right now, he shouldn't be under any pressure, so it sparked some irritation in zayn. although, he isn't sure if that irritation it's more towards the man's hands being on harry, but he did know that he didn't like it.

zayn walks over to harry, standing on the other side of the bed. harry shifts on the bed slightly, looking at zayn. he pulls his limp hand from ben's grasp, and reaches up to wipe away the remaining tears, hoping he didn't seem too pathetic because he was crying. he can see the way zayn is eyeing ben, looking between the two as if he was searching for some type of an explanation. he could almost sense the agitation in zayn amongst his questioning eyes. something told him that this wasn't going to go very well. harry clears his throat because he doesn't want to leave zayn in the dark about this, he should know.

"zayn." harry breaths out softly, his voice raspy, more deep from the crying previously. "this is ben, he's my-"

"ex fiancé." ben finishes for him, cutting harry off. harry looks at ben, frowning. it wasn't what he said, but it was how he said it that made harry want to reach over and smack him upside the head. he came off as very impolite and blunt. ben's rudeness was the last thing that was needed at the moment, especially since he was just now showing up after all these months, he wasn't in any position to have an attitude.

"and who are you?" ben asks, curtly. zayn clenches his jaw tighter. ben seemed to be giving him an attitude and it didn't sit well with him. he'd barely known the guy five seconds and he was already pushing zayn's buttons. he really doesn't want to piss zayn off at this time, even if he always did his best not to lose it in front of harry. harry is about to answer the question for zayn seeing as he looks highly agitated already, but zayn beats him to it before a word could even make it out of harry's mouth.

"i'm zayn, the father of his kids." zayn says bluntly, his voice leaking with venom and possessiveness. harry is a bit shocked by his tone and demeanor towards ben, because he wasn't expecting such a reaction. especially with their situation that had yet to be discussed since zayn practically broke up with him. he definitely didn't expect zayn to rake such a possessive stance over him and although it surprised him a bit, it also made his stomach flutter. and with the state harry was in, he really shouldn't be thinking about how hot zayn looks right now. ben frowns at him, looking at harry then back to zayn.

"oh, are you two together?" ben asks, looking at harry for answer with hopeful eyes. harry opens his mouth to answer but again, zayn cuts him off before he can. harry might as well just shut up at this point, he couldn't get a word out.

"yeah, we are." zayn says abruptly. harry tried not to show the obvious shock on his face, keeping it straight but he is taken aback by zayn's response. however, he knows it's only him putting on an act in front of ben, and that he was only saying that to get ben to back off, but why did it still make his heart clench so tightly in his chest? and his stomach flutter. harry chews nervously on his lip as he looks between the two of them. ben is frowning deeply, while zayn's dark eyes glared down on him. ben looks at zayn again, putting a fake smile on his face.

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