12:00 AM

I set up everything, i got my magazine to keep me occupied the rest of the night, i got this tablet that looks more expensive than anything in this place, its hooked up to the security sistem of the building so i can only use it to see the security cameras, crap, theres no wifi in here of course so im stuck with my magazine...Theres something bothering me though, he told me one last thing before he left, "They move during the night" right after that sentence he laughed his ass off and told me he was just joking, he patted my back and walked away, but even if i was not looking at his face i could tell that his smile wiped out right after he started to walked away, this place is not responsible for injury or dismemberment, what can possibly go wrong here?..*RING, RING, RING, RING* "AHHH! what the hell?" a phone started to ring on the office,
i answered it and it was a pre-recorded message, i let it sound while i was checking the cameras only listen to little parts of the message. After a while he mentioned that the characters get a bit corky at night, what the hell does that mean? free roaming mode? bite of 87? STUFF ME INTO A FREAKING SUIT?...I was suprised how calm and colective this guy was mentioning all those things i got freaked out just by hearing him, then i remembered what the boss told me "They move at night" inmediatly after the message ended i checked out the cameras to make sure nobody was moving i checked the showstage but everyone was there, just standing...It was good i guess...

2:00 AM

Two hours have passed, nothing, just occacional circus music in the background, it was odd, where the hell it was coming from? i was passing by through the cameras but something got my attention, on the showstage i could swear i saw the three animatronics looking directly at the camera, when i came back to the camera, they were just looking away in their original position, maybe im just delusional maybe im fooling myself but that phone call could have gone better. I got my feet on the table in front of me and started to read my magazine, that would keep me sane, its gets very lonely in here, my only friends in here are that cupcake with big eyes and the fan, on the tablet i can see that the fan and the light are draining a considerable ammount of power, but i didnt payed attention to it too much after all is not like im gonna run out of energy, i still have 70%

4:00 AM

Fuck fuck fuck fuck, i just checked the camera on the showstage and Chica and Bonnie were gone, they are not there, THEY ARE NOT THERE! where are they!? whre are they!? i checked all the cameras really fast looking for those two, i found Bonnie he was on the WEST HALL CORNER looking at the camera, im still trying to swalow this, these robots are moving, i remembered the free roaming mode that the phone guy mentioned, what are they gonna do with me?
if they get in the office...i checked the cameras once more just to check on Bonnie but he moved from the corner, just after that i could feel a very intense presence on my left, like the one you get when you past by a mannequin, i checked the door light on the left and he was right there, Bonnie almost breathing in my face, i let out a loud scream before slamming my fist in the door botton, the door shutted down with a loud bang, but then i remembered Chica, she was on the EAST HALL CORNER...just standing there...not even looking at the camera, it was just soooo creepy thinking that she was right out there just a few meters from me i didnt wanted to take a risk and i just shutted the door down, i could see my power draining like crazy just from having both doors closed, i curled up in a ball in my chair terrified, am i gonna die? i couldnt tell, i wasnt moving from there...After a while i gathered up the courage and checked the door light on my left, i couldnt see any shadow on the window, so, i took a deep breath, my heart about to popping out of my chest, and i opened the door and checked the light at the same time, He wasnt there...good, i checked the door light on my right and no shadow was shown eathier so i opened the door, somewhat relieved i checked the cameras one more time, just to see a freaky looking fox peeking out of the curtain of pirates cove "what the fuck!? who is that? is that f-foxy? wait, what is that noise!?" i checked the cameras looking for those bastards, no luck finding chica, Bonnie was on the suply closet for some reason, and the kitchen camera was disabled, audio only? WHY?
i was sure chica was in there, i could hear all kinds of plates and pans just droping to the floor whatever she was doing in there, it wasnt good

Five Nights at Freddy's: The Night Shift (Yuri)Where stories live. Discover now