I gave her a big grin of her statement. Mito surprised me when she considered Mari as one of the talented shinobi who masters a whole different kind of level in healing. It is also not every day to hear Mito praising someone, let alone someone who almost has a caliber similar to the Uzumaki. If my wife had said so, then I would have considered Mari as a top-tier kunoichi. And yes, I do think that Mari is a very strong and skillful shinobi. As we continued eating, thoughts of her village came running into my mind. The newfound and curious ideas keep plaguing my mind as I thought deeper. It has grown unexpected and very surprising of hearing stories about the people of The Roots. Day by day, I seem to grow interested in them. What if...

Licking my lips, I cleared my throat. "Mito, I have something in mind..."

She drank water for a moment before looking at me. "Hm? What is it?"

My lips pursed of the sudden idea that came in my mind. "Well, it's something I want to consider..." I began telling her my ideas. She listened intensively as she heard every word that came out from my mouth. When I got to the point, her eyes gleamed. "Well, what do you think?"

Mito grinned at me. Her grin is the only approval I need, "Definitely!"

The next day came by and here I am at the Hokage residence, sitting on my chair comfortably. My two advisors were standing in front of me. When the door opened, Izuna came walking in with a look of curiosity in his eyes. I needed him here as well since he had taken part in the mission a week ago.

"So, why did you call me here, Hokage-sama?" Izuna walked beside his brother and greeted the two men standing.

"A private meeting... It better be important. I still have some work to do that you didn't even bother finishing." My brother glared at me, grumbling as he crossed his arms and sighing, "What do you have in mind, elder brother? Something that is not pointless, I hope." Tobirama almost sounded bored.

"You called us. What do you need? Rather, did you have ideas that we needed to hear... or perhaps you are willing to share?" Madara asked, placing a hand on his hips, glancing at me with a curious look.

I breathed in and out, abruptly giving them the shocking information. "What if I told you I want ties with The Roots?"

There was a huge pause, the three seemed to process my words slowly because they haven't spoken for the longest of time. It is exactly the reaction I expected from them. There are curious and confused looks shooting down at me, and I know they have a lot of questions to ask. After a long moment, Izuna had the pleasure to break the silence, "Why and what for?"

I squared my shoulders, trying to look professional since I had prepared myself these sorts of questions last night at the very moment. "Yesterday, at night, my wife told me about The Roots' significance and what they consist of. The Uzumaki clan happens to be in alliance with The Roots, and although it's only temporarily due to some issues, they still have connections with them. Mito told me that the village has important or valuable resources that no one else required."

Tobirama's brow rose up when he picked up a word, "Valuable resources? In what sort? Is it unlike the last village we visited? The last village does have the resources that we needed, and we are already in ties with them. Why do we need another alliance about valuable resources that you're so interested in, elder brother, when we are already in ties with something greater?" His questions are messing up my mind, I cannot seem to catch them all.

Madara agreed with his statements and questions, before adding another question of his, "He's right. If it's so important, then why do you think about it? At first I thought that you'd create more ties with other small villages to help expand our own village, but perhaps it's one of the reasons why you thought to form an alliance with The Roots. And yet I could be wrong."

The Healing Kunoichi || (Tobirama x OC) [COMPLETE]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя