Part : 48

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Just want to tell you all that your response matters a lot to me.

Sid, Mahi and Jay left from the resort immediately to save Muskan and Sana. Raj and Cabir, they were coming behind them with the police force. Sid was driving the car. Jay and Mahi were sitting at the backseat. All of their eyes were filled with tears. Mahi was crying, resting her head on Jay's shoulder and her hands were clutching sleeves of his shirt. She was constantly praying for her daughter and for Sana too. On the other side, the guilt and the fear were killing Jay. He just wanted to save her daughter at any cost, he was not able to look into his wife's eyes because of the guilt. One side guilt was killing him and on the other side, he was dying, thinking about his daughter. Sid was driving the car in full speed, breaking all the signals. Tears were constantly falling down from his eyes. His angel's life was at risk. He was also feeling guilty because he couldn't protect her.

Sid's phone which was kept in his pocket, it was ringing constantly from few minutes, but he wasn't picking up the call because he wanted to reach at his destination as quickly as possible.

"Sid maybe the call would be important. You should pick it up. Maybe Sana gets a chance and she may be trying to contact us." Mahi said still being positive at this situation. Jay was shocked seeing this. He looked at her, having guilt and pain in his eyes. She could see the guilt in Jay's eyes. She blinked her eyes, entwining her hand with his hand. She was trying to be strong for him only because she didn't want that he should feel more guilty. The situation was hard but her positivity was making them strong. Jay again looked down in guilt. Mahi pressed her lips together to control her cry.

"If anything happened to them, I will kill you bastard." Sid roared like an angry lion on phone. Jay and Mahi looked at him immediately, listening to his shout. They also became angry and felt like to kill that bastard Aman.

"I am scared," Aman said sarcastically, touching Sana's face with his one hand and from another hand, he was holding the phone, putting it close to his mouth because his phone was on speaker. Sana was crying silently, shutting her eyes tightly. She was forced to bear his torture because Muskan's life was at risk or else she would have never let any man touch her. Only Sid had the right to touch her. The blood was still oozing out from the fresh wound which was on her forehead.

"Start your countdown Aman because you have Kidnapped my daughter and messed with Shukla's. You are gone." Jay burst out his anger. He shouted snatching the phone from Sid's hand, keeping it on speaker. Aman chuckled evilly. They all were boiling with anger and his laugh rose their anger more.

"Aaahaa.," Sana screamed in pain when Aman yanked her hair, gripping it tightly. Sid's heart stopped beating for a moment when he heard her scream, automatically his feet applied the break. He felt a sharp pain in his heart because his angel was in pain. He wanted to kill that bastard.  Jay and Mahi were shocked.

"I will rip your head Aman for hurting my angel. If I find even a single wound on her body, I will give uncountable wound to you." Sid turned around and snatched the phone from Jay's hand. He shouted angrily, clutching the phone tightly near to his mouth. Aman again chuckled.

"Sid, I am fine. Don't come here. Please find Muskan. She is not here. Please save her." Sana spoke ignoring Aman. Jay, Mahi and Sid, they got worried, listening Sana's words.

"He kept her, Ahaa.." she again screamed in pain when Aman again yanked her hair, making her stop in the middle. Aman was testing the patience of Sid. He was losing control. Her screams were breaking his heart into thousands of pieces.

"Now You all have to come here to see me getting married to Sana. After the marriage, I will free Muskan and remember that don't inform police about this or else you will never able to see Muskan's face." Aman gave them warning, making all of them scared. Mahi who was trying to be strong, she started crying badly. Only the thought of living without Muskan broke their heart. They couldn't even imagine their life without Muskan.

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