Part : 27

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Next Morning (One day before engagement)

Sana was in her Art gallery. She was trying to refresh her mind by making painting but couldn't. The work which gave her peace was not doing anything now because she found peace in him now.

"In two days before our engagement, I will make you realise that you have feelings for me. That's my promise to you, Angel" His words were again and again ringing in her mind. She was wondering that what he would do. She was even upset because of not getting his morning message. In few days only, she became habitual of reading his morning message. Starting her day with reading his message, it brought huge smile on her face and after that their never ending conversation. Because of that conversation only, she stayed happy whole day.

Everything was going good until Sid showed her the reality that she had feeling for him. She was ready for the marriage, In fact she was happy with him, but she was afraid of falling in love. She was afraid to give her heart again to someone else. Before the reality check, she was having no clue that she was falling for him, but after this she started running away from the reality and started running from her own feelings because she didn't want to be broken again. She was afraid of going through the same pain. After his betrayal, she never blamed him, she blamed herself for loving him truly. She called herself fool for seeing true love in his eyes and for giving her heart and soul to him. She devoted herself to him. Now she had fear of doing the same mistake again because her first love was also true for her. This was the only reason, she was running from the reality. She didn't want to repeat the same mistake.


"Mumma mein jab daddy aul aap jesa bala hojaunga na tabh mein doctor banuga. Aur fil jab aapko khi ue hogi na toh mele pass ana. Thikhai mumma." Muskan was sitting on the bed and telling her mother about her future plans. She was playing with Doctor set, wearing the stethoscope and hearing the heartbeat of her teddy bear which was kept on her lap. The teddy bear was her patient.

Mahi smiled, listening to her words. "For that you have to study a lot." She was sitting behind her and combing her hair.

"Daddy.." She squealed happily, rushing to the door as she saw her father, strolling into the room. He picked his princess in his arms.
"Daddy, do you know ? Mein bala hokal doctor banuga." She told him too while he was tucking her messed up hair properly behind her ears. Mahi walked to them.

"Really, Now you want to become doctor. Last week you want to become a business man like your father. Last to last week you want to become singer like your chachu." Jay laughed saying this and Muskan was giggling cutely, covering her mouth with her hands.

"Daddy, Mujhe sabh bana bai. Doctor bhi , singal bhi aur jo aap ho voh bhi." Mahi and Jay shrieked into laughter as she pronounced singer as singal.

"Musu, It's singer, not singal." Mahi tried to correct her.

"Ale Vohe toh bola meine singal." She pronounced it still wrong. This made Mahi and Jay laugh more louder.


Sid was sitting on floor, leaning against the bed. He was tuning the guitar and the low pitch melodies sound was coming out. There was sadness on his face. He wanted to talk with her, but couldn't because he decided to ignore her to make her realise her feelings. He was sure that when she would miss him then only she would realise his importance in her life.

The moments which he had spent with her were coming in front of his eyes like a movie was playing in front of his eyes. His face was clearly showing that how much sad he was feeling to ignore her. Spending One day without talking to her was like spending a one year without her. In few days only, she became a important part of his life. Now he couldn't even imagine his life without her. He needed her in his life badly. His life was perfect for him until he  met her, but after meeting her, he came to know that something was missing in his life and that something was love. Till few days back, they were strangers walking on the path and now she resided in his heart and soul.

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