part 11

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We made it to her house and she showed me where i was staying and then she told me i was in charge of the goats and dogs cause they are easy.

I went outside to go see my favorite dog. We had to give her my dads dog before we moved cause he was to old to go so far.

My dad died of stage 4 leukemia two years ago and i have a old teddy bear he gave me and two of his jackets. I walked outside and ran over to blu. My dad let me name him when we first got him and he is a husky with blue eyes. I was only 9 so i screamed blu and i made his spell it without the e.

He jumped up putting his front paws on my belly. I sat out side with the dogs for a while before going to feed the goats.


It has been two weeks and im feeling better but i miss my mom and my friends i just disappeared so they probably hate my right now.

One of the goats got out in the middle of the night and got ate by another animal so now i was raising its baby.

The doctor said i am probably going to be her for another month maybe less if i get lots of rest so my aunt said im on 'bed rest' all week. Luckily i had blu and this little baby goat to keep me company.

Fast forward 5 more weeks

I have been here for a month and 3 weeks but who's counting. I go home next week. Im happy to leave but i want to bring blu home with me.

The baby goat is with all the others now she grew fast and is heathy and strong now. I am currently laying in bed crying with another husky golden retriever mix her name is luna. Today i threw up 8 times and it was also the day marking 3 years sense me dad died.


Im packing my things into the car when i see my aunt carrying a crate and walking luna on a leash to the car.

A: "whats going on?"

K: "you are taking her with you. I know you want to take blu but what i never told you was that this is blu and Bella's baby."

A: " thank you so much. How am i going to bring her on the plane tho."

K: " she is already registered as a support animal and i explained your condition to airport security so you are good to go."

And with that we left.


I made it home and im now getting ready for school even tho they are already in 4th period, i will be getting there around lunch time so i took a quick shower did my makeup and got dressed. I also was bringing luna because she is my support animal just incase i pass out or have a panic attack.

 I also was bringing luna because she is my support animal just incase i pass out or have a panic attack

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(Ag's flannel)

Then i ran to the elevator so i didn't fall down the stairs

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Then i ran to the elevator so i didn't fall down the stairs. I got outside and drove to my school.

I put luna's vest and leash on then headed to the office. I had to give the papers to my principle that allow luna to come to school with me. I finished telling him about luna and he signed the papers and dismissed me.

I walked out the office and headed toward the lunch room i saw ag and laila in the hall laila was crying saying she missed my and ag was talking to her. Then ag looked up and saw me, i dropped luna's leash and ran to ag jumping on ther giving her a hug.

I turned to laila and hugged her till she stopped crying. I called luna and told them about her and how she is my support animal.

"Where were you, you were gone for 2 months i thought you were dead" laila cried out. I grabbed there arms and pulled them to a near by room. I looked at luna "lay down" the i turned to ag and laila.

"When i tell you this i don't want it to seem like a sob story and i don't want you to apologize or feel bad for me or treat me different" they nodded

"When i was 11 i git really sick trowing up everything i ate and drank to dizzy to even sit up in bed. I was rushed to the hospital and they did test i was positive for leukemia we caught i very early tho and i was done with chemo after a few months. As you know 2 months ago i git sick and was trowing up, well what you didn't know was that when you came over and brought me dunkin and i threw it up i started to cough that is why i told you to go get my mom i coughed up blood so i knew something was wrong" we were all crying now. "That is why i had a doctor's appointment. They did testing and i went home when i got out of the car i was a bit dizzy and it made me mad so i stormed into the house. Somehow i fell and i him my head on the bottom step i was rushed to the hospital and was im a coma for 4 days. My mom told me that..."

I started crying harder luna was rubbing her head on my leg trying to get my attention off of it she could tell i was panicking. "They said it came back so my mom sent me to my aunts in florida cause she wouldn't be home to take care of me so that friday i left for florida. Oh and when i fell my phone slammed into the stairs and completely broke so im getting a new one tonight" i rushed out all in one breath. They ran over to me and gave me a hug but luna barked a them i backed into a wall and slid down it i was having a very bad anxiety attack.

I calmed down a bit and managed to get out "im.. having...a.. anxiety attack" ag ran up to me and took my hand putting it to her chest "copy me breathing" she took deep breaths and i copied after about 2 minutes i was calmed down and luna relaxed laying her head on my thigh.

"You guys wanna go get some lunch?" They shook there heads yes i got luna's leash and we left they sighed themselves out for the rest of the day while i got the car started.

They ran out of the office running to the car ag jump in the front seat and laila got in the back "you might have got to sit up front with analia but i got the dog so ha!" Laila exclaimed from the back seat.

"Where do you wanna go to eat" i asked. They both shrugged there shoulders. "You are no help, i have an idea what are you hungry for" i turned and pointed at laila "ummm.... A salad". "You" i said and turned to ag. She shrugged again. "Well than think about it on the drive you have 10 min."

"Where exactly are we going?" Laila asked. "My house i want my bed and the maids will make anything" i said and giggled, they laughed at me. Ag then turned to me "would they make me steak????". "Yes they will" i laughed. She smiled "yay".

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