Y/n "Better you don't call us like that ever again or I will do that again. And harder"

Payton "Me too"

Kaitlyn "And I will do it too"

Payton and I "Aaaaaaaah"

Y/n "From where the hell did you camed"

Kailtyn "The living room"

Payton "You scared the fuck out of us"

Y/n "Yea"

We got back to my room


It's now 11pm

Y/n "Baby"

Payton "Yes"

Y/n "Are you tired already?"

Payton "Yea, kind of. How about you?"

Y/n "Same"

Payton "We should go to sleep"

Y/n "I know but I don't want to even if I'm tired"

Payton "Probably your just gonna fall asleep"

Y/n "That could be"

Y/n "But I'm not that tired"

Payton "Not yet"

Y/n "Stop"

Payton "WoW. Baby calm down"

Y/n "Just stop ok?"

Payton "Ok"

Y/n "I'm sorry it's just"

Payton "Your period"

Y/n "No, it's just of fatigue"

Payton "Ow ok. I'm sorry baby"

Y/n "It's ok you didn't know"

Payton "uhu"

Y/n "That sounded weird"

Payton start laughing

Y/n "I'm so dirty minded"

Payton "Yea, but kind of me too"

Y/n "I can make people dirty minded"

Payton "Ow yea"

Y/n "Yea, I already did two times"

Y/n "Ones with someone I almost never talk to anymore and the other one is Kailyn"

Y/n "If I was you I will look out"

Payton "How? Your like all the time with me"

Y/n "Ofc because I need you"

Payton "Me too"

Y/n "I actually have no idea how I made them dirty minded"

Payton "Ow shit"

Y/n "What?"

Payton "You don't know how you did it"

Y/n "I guess just yea ya know thinking weird and saying it out loud when they are with me"

Payton "Yea"

Y/n "I think we really should go to sleep"

Payton "I already said that"

Y/n "I know"

Payton "Why did you repeat it?"

Y/n "Because now you know we think the same"

Payton "Ow yea"

Y/n "Try me"

Payton "Sure"

Payton "Choose a number between 0-100"

Y/n "Ok"

Payton "Now write it on a paper"

I got a paper and writed a number on it. Payton got a paper too and writed his number on it.

Payton "Turn your paper in 3 2 1 now"

We turned out papers

Y/n "Wtf wow this is crazy"

Payton "How what huh wow"

Y/n "I told you we thought the same"

We both had 88

Payton "I love you so much baby"

Y/n "Me too"

Payton "Are we gonna sleep now?"

Y/n "Ok"

Y/n "Are you gonna set an alarm at 4am?"

Payton "I already did"

Y/n "Ok good"

Payton "I know"

Y/n "Your smart"

Payton "says the one who is by her own"

Y/n "I'm not smart"

Payton "Yes you are"

Y/n "I'm not smart and not dumb. I'm like in the middle of it. But more to the dumb side"

Payton "It's the other way around"

Y/n "I'm just going to agree with you I guess"

Payton "Yea because I say the truth"

Y/n "Me too"

Payton "Omg babe stop. Your smart, cute, beautiful, hot and sexy as hell. Your just perfect"

Y/n "Says the one who is perfect by himself"

Payton "I'm not even close to perfect"

Y/n "Yes you are because you are perfect"

Payton "You are"

Y/n "You too"

I picked my phone and looked at the time

Y/n "What omg"

Y/n "We really have to go to sleep. It's 11:30pm. So we can sleep 5 hours and 30 minutes"

Payton "WoW. Yea"

I layed my phone away and I camed closet to Payton. I layed my head on his chest and my hand under his hoodie.

Payton "Good night babygirl"

Y/n "Good night paypay"

5 minutes later

Payton "Wait"

Y/n "What?"

Payton "Get of me for a sec"

Y/n "Ok"

I got off Payton. He sat up and putted his hoodie off. I dropped my jaw. This boy is perfect like wow his abs tho. He layed back down.

Payton "Come here babygirl" he said while he was slaping gently on his chest.

I layed my head on his chest and my hand on his abs. Damn that feels so good.

Payton "Good night baby"

Y/n "Good night love"

Hey guys,
Thank you so much for the 2,6k views and the 40 followers it's insane.
Sorry for the faults. Sorry that the story is getting boring. I'm trying my best to make it a nice story. But it's just because of private reasons.
Love y'all

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