"So you're afraid?" Karan said to her a he crossed his arms and made a glare. Anshu didn't reply that time. Karan made another look as he led a fake laugh. "How in the world could you be one of us? You have gone pale in fear."

"It isn't fear. It's just, I don't like blood. It's.. MESSY. Killing is so messed up - blood on your clothes, on the ground, on the body.." She refused to use the term dead body. Blood made her go nauseated. The very reason why she has decided not to choose biology as one of her high-school subjects.

My child was never meant to fight. Again her mother's words echoed in he head. Shut up Mom! She thought back, trying to calm her own anxiety.

"Come on. Look it's simple, killing demons is easy-peasey. Just stab the blade right into their heart. Two to three stabs will kill them instantly unless the demon has hardened skin, then you will need a demon hunting blade. "

Now Anshu started sounding as an idiot,"What will we do the dead body then?"

"The answer is at the butt of your Zulu."

Anshu quickly examined it's butt. She kept her hand on it and it turned a little, spreading some white dust over the ground.

"It's some sort of hiding equipment?"

"Basically, yes it is. We call it dust of Surya. It is somesort of holy dust, once a part of the sun diety Surya. Mortals can't see beyond the powder. However it works only on dead bodies and bloodspots. So now we can say it will be pretty clean killing. The dust will teleport the body back to his world"

Anshu tried to imagine the scene inside her head. A big monster lying dead on the ground, his body full of cuts, Karan standing near him, his katars still in his hand. A fine line of blood being develop along the edges of the katars. The body all os a sudden starts rotting, biodegrading, as she had learnt in school. She herself standing at a distance far enough from the carcass. And at last, a big pool of blood around the dead man.

Gross! She wanted to vomit now!

Karan at once understood the look on her face. "Look girl, you should stay away. This is the men's job!"

"Aough!" Both Karan and Anshu heard the voice as the surrounding enchored in the groans and curses of the demon. Clearly he was back to his feet.

Anshu quickly turned he head towards Karan. "If this girl hadn't interfered, the rest of the kingdom would have been crying at your funeral! Now initiate the plan and no more talks." She said as she climbed up the truck they were hiding behind till now. She waved to him. "Hey! Hey, here! We're here!" The demon turned his face towards her,she caught his attention. The demon now could clearly see her. For a split of second, the demon and she were face to face with each other. But the demon didn't make a move.

Maybe I need to do something else. She thought.

"Hey dunghead!" She shouted at him. She hardly knew if he even understood what she was saying but she had a confidence in herself so she continued. "Hey! You piece of shit! Son of a bitch! I am here!"

He understood the word bitch!

As he made the move, Anshu looked down to Karan giving him a thumbs up.

Anshu knew her plan worked. In her mind, she was great again. However in Karan's, she now held the position of a crazy suicider. Why in the world did she say we're her? Did she want to die quickly? If so, she could have just asked.

"Are you ready?" he asked Anshu as he uncapped the capsule. Anshu didn't utter a word jst took a small leap, shrinked in the pathway and landed directly inside the capsule. She didn't like it, being in the capsule. It made her feel claustrophobic. Not to mention the smell of Karan's sweat. She made a mental note not to try this again.

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