He can hear the smile in Jaemin's voice as he answers, "Well, he is my father"

But Mark then shakes his head, a smile on his own lips as he explains, "I just mean... forgive me if I'm prying but even with him being the CEO, it doesn't seem like work has affected your family dynamics, even with..."

Even with you not taking over...

There was never a question in Mark's household whether or not he would carry on the company's legacy, it was all set in stone, and Mark was proud to ascend to such a position... Therefore he couldn't help but be curious about Jaemin's position.

The Na heir doesn't speak for a moment as he seemingly mulls over Mark's words, letting them wash over him before finally nodding.

"Like I said before, he is a great man" Jaemin answers, taking his gaze off of Mark and instead casting it towards the river to where a figure was sat, their arms reaching into the crystallised waters as they crouched down low.

Mark grew curious as they walked forward to approach the black haired man, for he looked no older than him and Jaemin. From what Mark could see he had flawless pale skin and a strong jaw, but his hands looked like they'd seen better times as they were rather worn.

"He understands the role of a father compared to that of a CEO" Jaemin explains further and yet his eyes stayed fixated on the boy by the river, "and besides he knows I'm stubborn, just like my mother... he understands that my heart is somewhere else"

Just as the words leave Jaemin's lips, the raven- haired boy lifts his head up, a wide smile displayed across his face as he watches the two boys approach, his eyes lingering that much longer on Jaemin.

"Nana..." He greets, gradually rising to his feet and wiping his wet hands onto his clothes, "Hyuckie was beginning to think that you wouldn't make it today"

Rather than answering the question right away, Mark watched with rather wide eyes as Jaemin drew this boy into a soft kiss, bringing one hand up to tangle in the boy's dark locks as their lips brush against one another's delicately.

Not wanting to intrude, Mark casts his eyes away from the pair, looking down only for his eyes to lock on a small wicker basket, its content full of ripe and freshly picked apples and rhubarb. Was the boy washing them in the stream? Why didn't he just venture up to the house, surely the kitchen staff wouldn't mind helping?

As the two pull away with a gentle sigh, Mark brings his attention back to them and their arms which were wrapped securely around each other.

"He's just on edge because of his volunteer work" Jaemin sighs, reaching out to brush a strand of hair out of the boy's face, "I wouldn't miss our weekly 'get together' for the world"

As Jaemin smiles at the boy one more time, his face morphs into one of realisation as he jumps away, seemingly remembering that they had a guest present, and so with a sheepish smile, Jaemin turns to Mark.

"Mark, this is Jeno, my boyfriend" He introduces happily, his cheeks a dusty pink as Jeno reaches over to shake Mark's hand, smiling softly before he mutters something along the lines of, 'one of', which has Mark mildly confused for a moment, "And Jeno this is Minhyung from Lee Corporations"

"Mark is just fine, if you want" Mark offers, not wanting to be too formal outside of the office. Jeno, he admits, seems very lovely as he mutters a genuine, 'nice to meet you' at their exchange, before stepping backwards and wrapping his arm around Jaemin's waist again.

Before Mark can carry the conversation further Jaemin turns around to Jeno, his voice light as he asks, "Hey babe, where's Junnie?"

"He's just come from the café" Jeno answers softly, "He's down by the cottage now with the others"

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