
9 3 1

1. Joan. I dont have a middle name, and im not sharing my last name simply for safety reasons.

2. Writing, reading, drawing, just the usual.

3. This changes every day, but today its Pink Lemonade by James Bay.

4. I dont change it very often, its still the same as whenever i was previously asked.

5. Not really. I'd love to be an actor full-time but that might be something for when im financially stable.

6. Eh. My mattress is like a slightly soft rock so about as good as i can on that.

7. Quite a few. I'm not even gonna bother counting.

8. ew no

9. English or Drama.

10. Australia.

11. eh. i dont mind it.

12. I like to think so.

13. I'm sorry what?

14. Too many.

15. Too many.

16. Technically, everyone can draw.

17. I'm in a classroom the whole day, so technically one.

18. yee

19. takennn

20. Like, taking home, taking home or "taking home ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)", taking home? Because I'm not attracted to any celebrities if thats whats being asked. If platonically, I'd love to have Thomas Sanders over, he seems like he'd be good company.

I can't be bothered to tag anyone. If you want to do this then go ahead.

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