1. at least i look cool

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at least i look cool - sasha sloan

at least i look cool - sasha sloan

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"C'mon! It's been one year, I know you wanna just lay around all sad tonight to mourn, even though you've been doing that all year- thats besides the point! Point is tonight, this bonfire, is gonna be good for your mental health! I promise, I mean when have I ever let you down, Sarah Cameron?"

"I can name lots of times you've let me down-"

"ANYWAYS! Get ready, I won't let you pout all night"

Cara pulls my off my bed and pinches my cheeks, smiling at me before pulling me towards my closet.

Cara DeLuca, my cousin, moved in with my step mom and I, and of course my step sister. Rafe and my dad took off to the Bahamas after Kiara and John B went missing. I don't miss them, I despise them.

Since they left, my step mom has done her best to make my life feel normal but how can anyones life be normal after their own family members get away with murder and your best friends' disappearance? She does her best though.

"Alright, you look good in yellow so how about this?" Cara holds up a yellow tube top.

I stare blankly at the top, I hadn't worn that top since before John B and Kiara disappeared. It used to be my favorite top but now it reminded me of the past.


"Uhh... Maybe not that one-"

"Ugh! Alright fine, I'm trusting you to pick something cute out because I gotta go get ready" Cara roughs up my hair and gives me a kiss on my forehead before heading out of my room.



The boat has always been my getaway. Its quiet, the gentle rocking eases my mind, and its also one of the coolest places I know.

It also happens to be the place I feel like I have the strongest connection to John B.

He worked on the boat and not to mention I caught him "borrowing" our scuba gear and that I guess was really the start of our friendship and relationship.



JJ freezes, holding a cooler he must've found on the boat.

"Ohhhh Sarah Cameron! Hey! Uh hi, listen! I promise I'm not stealing- uh just gonna borrow this and I'll probably bring it back eventually" He slurs his words, motioning to the cooler causing him to stumble.

liability - jj x sarah cameronDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora