6. savior complex

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A few hours had gone by, I was still rolling from the mushrooms Kira, Kevin, Cara and I had taken but they should start wearing off within a hour or two. Somehow I managed to slip away from the group and was making my way to JJ's spot, the treehouse.

"Sarah" I hear JJ chuckle, I hadn't even noticed that I was standing by the treehouse. How long had I been standing there?

JJ was leaning against the tree, his arms crossed. He was wearing a tan shirt and sweatpants. It was 2am though, he looked comfy.

And attractive.

I smiled widely, running over to him and immediately embracing him into a warm hug. JJ laughed, hugging me back tightly.

"Missed me?"

"Maybe, or it might be the shrooms" I giggled, looking up at the blond.

"Alright well, it's freezing" He rolls his eyes, motioning for me to go up the ladder.

I get comfy against the wall of the treehouse, pulling one of the old fuzzy blankets over my legs. JJ soon followed, sitting across from me. There were beer cans scattered all over the floor and a half drank one next to JJ. 

"Have you been drinking?" 

"You seem surprised, don't worry" JJ mutters, giving me a cheeky smile.

It gets quiet. I liked how JJ and I could sit in silence. We didn't have to talk constantly around each other. The silence was comfortable, it felt safe. 

"JJ, life is so short" I eventually state, closing my eyes as visuals play in my mind. I was seeing colorful patterns slowly moving around my eyelids. It was beautiful and every thought and emotion I have seems to add to the pattern playing in my mind.

JJ stays quiet but I can tell he's looking at me. 

"And I think the universe was smart for bringing me to you" I say softly. I was starting to get sleepy and I knew my trip was coming to an end. 

I feel JJ move to sit next to me, pulling the blanket over his legs. Our legs touching as I lean into his side. My eyes were still shut, I don't think I could open them if I wanted. I felt so content, so happy as if time had stopped for a moment. All I could feel was the beauty of all the emotions, the comfort of JJ's company.

"I think the universe is playing games on us, Sarah." he chuckles softly, his arm wrapping around my waist, keeping me close. Safe.


My eyes flutter open. JJ was asleep, his arm behind my head. I slowly sat up, careful to not disturb the blonde boy.

It took me a second to remember exactly how I got into this situation. Passed out, cuddled up with JJ Maybank in a treehouse.

I rub my eyes with my hands. I was developing feelings for him. I had feelings for my ex boyfriend's best friend. 

"Stop stressing" JJ mumbles, my eyes darting to look at him. His eyes looked sleepy.

"You're awake?" I gasp, he is really good at fake sleeping.

He laughs and nods softly. "Your stress woke me up" 

"Why are you stressing anyways?" 

I shift to face him, messing with my fingers as I stare down at my lap.

"Do you think John B would be angry at us?" I say eventually. The guilt of hanging around JJ so intimately was getting to me. Nothing romantic had happen between us however I couldn't help but wonder how this would make John B feel.

A silence falls over the treehouse, only the sounds of birds and wind fill the air. 

"He isn't here Sarah" JJ eventually mutters almost so quiet I could barely hear.

I sigh, looking at JJ. Our eyes meet and as usual his eyes look empty.

"What's happening between us?" I finally say. It's better to get this out of the way now before things get too far. Before someone gets hurt.

JJ doesn't answer, instead his hand gently cups my face as he sits up, getting closer to me. I could smell the alcohol still on his lips with the mixture of his cologne from his shirt.

"I don't know but we don't have to know right now" he says, studying my eyes. For a moment I see a slight spark in his eyes, almost as if he's anticipating my reply. As if he's worried.

I feel my lips start to park as I'm about to muster up the courage to say anything back but before I can JJ's lips collide with mine. 

I freeze, taken back at the action but I slowly melt into his touch. Butterflies fill my stomach as his other hand also cups my face. The kiss felt like it had gone on forever, like time had stopped. 

He slowly pulls away, our eyes meeting as they flutter open again. Silence filling the air again.

"Does that answer your question for now?" He eventually chuckles, running his hand through his hair before he grabbed a beer, opening it and taking a swing.

That only gave me more questions but I guess for now that would be good enough.


HEY! Prepare to cry from fluff and also heart ache lol

liability - jj x sarah cameronWhere stories live. Discover now