Dramatic Route Epilogue

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Nobunaga: "I can prove to you I'm real."

Mai: "Then prove it." Nobunaga stopped next to me. He was positively artistic in the light.

Nobunaga: "Our promise. After all this time, I'm finally ready."

Mai: "Which promise was this?"

Nobunaga: "You forgot?"

Mai: "I've just been dealing with a lot of vague innuendoes today."

Nobunaga: "After all that warning not to forget. No matter. You'll remember when you see. Come." He took my hand in his strong, calloused one. I'd almost forgotten what his hand felt like in mine. I don't know what's going on yet-- But it's a treat to have Nobunaga come and fetch me. Together we walked in the direction of that sparkling sunset.


What's this? The tenshu was set up for a tea ceremony. Kettle, whisk, cups. Whatever he's got planned, it involves tea, clearly.

Nobunaga: "Sit down, Mai."

Mai: "Okay."

Nobunaga had changed into something more relaxed. Once I sat down, he began to make tea with practiced motions. This is the first time I've seen him do anything like this. And, oh, it already smells so good!

There was an economy to his brisk movements. He appeared to flow from step to step with practiced ease. His hands, his expression of concentration. I was spellbound from the moment he started until he finished. He placed the exquisite porcelain tea bowl, the color of egg yolk, in front of me.

Nobunaga: "Don't worry about the formalities. Just drink it the way you'd like."

Mai: "Thank you." A thin layer of froth covered the matcha, bubbling beautifully as I picked up the bowl cup. Wow. Even though he said not to be formal, this is such a special moment. I took a sip, sighing in pleasure as I did. "It's delicious!"

Nobunaga: "I'm glad to hear that. I can't recall the last time I had to make tea, but it seems the skill hasn't left me." Nobunaga sat relaxed at my side as he quickly made a bowl of tea for himself. This is a fun surprise.

Mai: "What inspired you to do this? And what about your work? You're not normally done this early."

Nobunaga: "I've been busy these past few days so I could have this time to drink tea with you." So he was working extra late on purpose. With large hands, warmed by the tea and still carrying its fragrance, Nobunaga cupped my cheeks. "After this, the western territories won't give us any more trouble. Now that the fighting is done, I can fulfill my promise to you." I remember our promise now!


Mai: "I want you to stop fighting and take a break. No wars, no conquest! Just time to relax and enjoy each other's company. We'll have, I don't know, tea, and talk about fun things!"

Nobunaga: "Very well. I promise you: when the battle is over, you and I will have tea and talk about fun things. And the whole time I am with you, I will think only about you."


Mai: "Thank you for remembering."

Nobunaga: "Of course I remembered." Mitsuhide knew Nobunaga was planning this. That's why he said that to me. I'm so touched that Nobunaga actually pulled this off for me. I placed my hand over Nobunaga's. "I kept you waiting a long time for it, though."

Mai: "Well, I forgot about it, so it wasn't that long for me."

Nobunaga: "I won't ever keep you waiting this long again." Nobunaga-- I leaned into his caress, feeling his warmth on my hand and face. He looked so relaxed right now. I imagined the warm, sweet look in his eyes was the look he was born with. The unguarded smile on his face was beautiful. But, I'm still concerned.

Mai: "Nobunaga."

Nobunaga: "Yes?"

Mai: "Is this sort of thing hard for you? I mean, with your past?" Nobunaga seemed surprised at the question. His heart is still fragile. I don't want it to be broken again. Finally, Nobunaga just shrugged his shoulders.

Nobunaga: "It's not in my nature to give up due to the difficulty of a task. If the fighting begins anew, I'll do what I must without hesitation or feeling. I don't intend to change my path. As I mentioned before, I don't think I can. But I've come to appreciate the importance of taking a break and spending time with you."

Mai: "That's actually enough."

Life isn't always made of drastic changes. Traveling through time to be reunited was a miracle. And then there was this. A man who lived a brutal life in the midst of a seemingly endless war. His heart had been broken, such that nothing could truly put it back the way it was before. Yet he made a conscious choice to allow a bit of warmth back in.

He's beginning to seek out his own happiness. He put this evening together without me knowing. I think that's just as much of a miracle. Nobunaga traced the line of my face. Even with such rough fingers, hardened from years of fighting, his touch was gentle.

Nobunaga: "Mai, let me rest at your side like this again."

Mai: "Of course. Whenever you need it."

Nobunaga: "I want you to keep me warm."

Mai: "Everyday!" I beamed, catching his hand and winding my fingers together with his own.

Nobunaga: "A good answer." I caught the attractively deep growl that was his voice in my mouth as we kissed. We took our time with each hot caress, covering the fullness of each other's lips before returning again. My body trembled with each rapid beat of my heart.

Mai: "Mmm! Ah--" Our dance sped up, tongues twining in passion and need. A thrill ran down my spine, warming my hips and causing my toes to curl. We didn't pause for air, for that meant stopping. I can barely breathe, and I've never been happier-- I clung to his soft cotton collar and stared into his eyes, my own half-lidded. Nobunaga smiled as he embraced me strongly.

Nobunaga: "I want you to give me your lips, your fingertips, your voice, your heart. Give me all of you. And I will give you all that I am."

Mai: "You have a deal." I smiled and kissed him, ready to start all over again, but Nobunaga stopped.

Nobunaga: "...I just realized that this is wrong."

Mai: "Um, how is this wrong?"

Nobunaga: "You were going to tell me about Bearsace's friends. But I want you too much to listen right now." He sighed in distress. Don't make me laugh when I'm this turned on! Oh, gd, he's incredibly sexy when he's conflicted. That expression wrenched my heart. I held Nobunaga's ruddy cheeks in my hands.

Mai: "Bearsache's friends will wait for us. I promise to tell you about them next time." To my amusement, he seemed to be thinking very hard about it before speaking.

Nobunaga: "That sounds acceptable."

I laughed and gave him a soft push onto the carpet, rolling over on top of him. He slipped his arms around my back. I looked into that gorgeous, handsome, lovable face, and kissed him again and again. We'll have plenty more opportunities for tea. We can talk about whatever comes up, with no worries on our minds.

I was confident that we would have an abundance of time to spend together. So much so that evenings like this would become commonplace. At the same time, each special moment would be irreplaceable to us. Sharing in the miraculous warmth of each other's tender kisses, I promised him wordlessly that it would always be true.

Ikemen Sengoku: Nobunaga Odaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن