Dramatic Route Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

Mai: "You said history would return to the way it's supposed to be."

Sasuke: "Yes."

Mai: "What happens after we're sent back? What's going to happen to Nobunaga, Kenshin, and the others?"

Sasuke: "I don't know in what form it's likely to occur, but I imagine-- Everyone will meet fates that match closest with how things turned out in our original history." But that leaves only one possibility.

Mai: "They're going to die? As soon as we leave, they're both going to die?" Sasuke said nothing. His sad silence was the answer I wanted the least. No. "No, that's not happening! I can't let that happen!"

Sasuke: "Mai?" I don't want to part with Nobunaga, and I definitely don't want him to die!

Upset, I thought of Nobunaga...


Nobunaga: "I've never felt this way before. For the sake of my ambition, I've taken hundreds of thousands of lives. And I will take countless more. I don't deserve to feel this warmth or to have these feelings. But even knowing that-- I want to hold you. I want to touch you. I can't stop myself."


Nobunaga: "Stay with me."

Mai: "I will."

Nobunaga: "I won't allow you to leave me."

Mai: "That's more like it! And I promise. I will never leave you."


Mai: "I want you to stop fighting and take a break. No wars, no conquest! Just time to relax and enjoy each other's company. We'll have, I don't know, tea and talk about fun things!"

Nobunaga: "Very well. I promise you: when the battle is over, you and I will have tea and talk about fun things. And the whole time I am with you, I will think only about you."


Cosmological forces? What BS! I'm not even allowed to have tea with my boyfriend?! If Gd didn't want us changing history, he shouldn't have sent us here. We're not passive observers, we're human beings!

Mai: "I'm not going back to the present. I'm spending the rest of my life at Nobunaga's side. I'll punch out a wormhole if I have to!"

Sasuke: "That's not how physics work. But-- I'm beginning to understand how much you love him." Sasuke placed a hand on my shoulder. I realized then I was shaking. The rage that trembled in me started to settle down. "I haven't given up either. It's a depressingly unrefined solution, but I do have one in mind."

Mai: "You've thought of a way for us to stay in the Sengoku?"

Sasuke: "I've thought of several possibilities, but the quickest and easiest is this: We get away from here. As fast as possible. Preferably in opposite directions."

Mai: "Huh. I think I'm beginning to see."

Sasuke: "I estimate the wormhole will manifest at midnight. And just like last time, the storm will precede its arrival. Use the storm as your guide. Stay as far away from it as possible." Run from the storm. That sounds doable. "As long as we remain, we can find a way to prevent the deaths of Nobunaga Oda and Kenshin. I have to return soon, to make sure that Kenshin is safe. I have some other things in mind I'd like to try too."

Mai: "It's no problem. The more things you try, the better, right?" I had made up my mind to protect Nobunaga. No matter what it would take, I had to stay.

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