Chapter 3

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Friday, July 19, 1996


"And this is the master bedroom. Beautiful isn't it?" Our real estate agent, Rod, said as we stepped into the bedroom.

"Baby, this is nice! I love it." I said walking around as I rubbed my hand on the nice walls.

"Only fit for a queen and king." Rod said smiling.

"Oh yes, this house is mad crazy." Terry said as he looked around.

"Go check out the closets. I think you both would love it. You have two."

"Two?" I asked as I walked over to the closet. It seem like it took forever to get there.

Terry opened the closet door and my mouth opened wide.

"Baby, you can fit a whole car in here!" I said as I excitedly looked around.

"You would need as much space possible. You got to get ready to look good on the red carpets, special events, interviews, and most importantly, the games." Rod said looking around.

"Red carpets? Special events?" I asked confused as I look back at Rod.

"Yes, you're gonna be at your man's side right?" Rod asked laughing.

"Oh, you wanted me to be known?" I asked Terry as I fixed my white blouse.

"Of course, baby. You thought you were gonna be stuck up in the house?" Terry asked as he leaned against the wall.

"Um, Rod, can you give us a second?" I asked smiling a little.

"Sure thing, Brandy! I'll be downstairs making phone calls."

"Ok, that's fine!" I said as he walked away.

"Baby, what's the problem?"

"I didn't know you wanted to show me off, baby. I thought you just wanted me at home with the baby."

"Baby, I always want you by my side. I'm not ashamed of you nor will I ever will be. You deserve to live your life the way you want. I will never limit you to just being a housewife. You can do whatever you want, baby. I just want the world to know I'm taking by the best woman on this planet." Terry said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Well, I'm ashamed for you. Look at me, Terry. I have nothing going for myself." I said looking down.

"Baby, stop counting yourself out. Yes, you do. You—"

"Terry, I'm eighteen years old. I'm pregnant by an abusive ex. What kind of example is that to follow? Huh?" I asked as I quickly got out of his grip.


"Just take me home. I don't wanna look anymore." I said as I rushed out the room.

"Brandy!" Terry asked coming after me.

"So, what's the deal about the h—"

"You can shove the house up your a**!" I said as I walked quickly walked through the front door and slammed it.

I started crying as I started walking from the driveway. I've been feeling mixed emotions lately. One minute I'll be happy and the next minute I'll be crying over something so small.

I sat down on the curb as I seen Terry coming out with two bottles of water.

He jogged to me.

"Ba—" Terry started to say as he sat down.

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