Something Rotten This Way Comes

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The peace that had followed after they shut Strickler away did not last long, unfortunately. Not even ten minutes after Shadowflight had started to try and nap in the library, there was a loud commotion outside.

"Good gracious, what's even going on out there?" Blinky asked Aaarrggh as he shut his book. The larger troll shrugged and looked to Shadowflight, who gave a shrug and a confused warble.

The three poked their heads out to see a crowd of trolls storming past them with Strickler, all shouting as the changeling was shouting for help.

"Entrance!" Aaarrggh yelled, pointing to where the trolls seemed to be marching. Shadowflight nods before bolting after the trolls, taking care to turn himself invisible and taking a quicker route through the rooftops. As the trolls were approaching the stairs, the Nightlight lands right in front of them, allowing himself to be seen and roars at the crowd of trolls.

"Move you big salamander!" One troll that was holding Strickler by his feet yelled. Shadowflight responds with a growl and blasts a small bit of fire at the trolls feet to send him back into the crowd. More trolls tried stepping forward but the dragon blasted at their feet again and again to keep them back until Blinky and Aaarrggh arrived to keep the crowd back.

"What in Deya's name is the matter with you all?!" Blinky shouts at the crowd. "Have you all lost your minds?"

"Get out of our way Aaarrggh!" One troll yelled but the Krubera held his ground.

"No!" He snarled and stood firmly between Blinky and Shadowflight.

"Let us discuss this matter like reasonable trolls!" Blinky states, stepping forward. A small rock flew out from the crowd and smacked him right in the head. "Ruffians! Who threw that?!"

"Where's Jim? He gave me his word!" Strickler asks frantically.

"Put him down! Helped save my mother!" They heard Jim yell before he, Toby and Claire emerged from the crowd to stand at the entrance. "He's...with me!"

"He tried to release Gunmar!" One troll shouts.

"Get him out of here!" Another yells.

"Changelings ain't right in Trollmarket!" Another adds and the other trolls shout in agreement.

"It's not going to make a difference!" Jim argues. "Angor Rot wants me too, and the protective barrier won't stop him!"

"What do you mean?" Blinky asks him in worry.

"He has...a horngazzle." Jim admits and all the trolls start screaming and throwing garbage in his direction. "You have the right to know!" He yells back at the angry crowd.

"Let's throw them both out!" A troll yells as the crowd cheers. "And the lizard too!"

Someone walked back and grabbed Jim by his feet. Shadowflight snarled that turned into a yelp of surprise when he felt someone grab him by the tail and start dragging him painfully up the stairs as well.

"When you finish throwing them out, come back and throw me out too!" They all stop to see Vendel step into the hood of the car to overlook the crowd. "Yes the boy has made grave errors, but he's come through for us more times than I give him credit for. Trollmarket is in danger, and our greatest defense has always been our Trollhunter. He's earned my trust, he should earn yours."

"You can throw me out too!" Blinky adds as he climbs onto the hood of the car.

"And me!" Aaarrggh adds as he stands beside them.

"Us too!" Toby adds before quickly adding, "Technically we don't live here, just saying."

"Same for me, I've always stood with our Trollhunter!" A troll from earlier states as she pays Jim on the chin.

A Trollhunter and His DragonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora