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Jim wasn't even sure if he should scream and run or shout in joy. On one hand, his childhood dream of finding a real dragon had come true, and on the other hand, he was stuck in a tunnel every troll in Trollmarket was terrified of even getting near with a dragon that could probably kill him in an instant.

This dragon looked so much like that dragon in the book, the one he dreamed about having, yet at the same time it looked so different. From the light coming off his sword Jim could see that it had flecks of white where it should be black, it's tail fins were rounded and the fin on its back looked a lot like a fish fin instead of little spikes.

"So look like a Night Fury but at the same time you don't." Jim muttered as the dragon edged closer to him, it's nose twitching in curiosity. Though he was sure it was much more interested in the glowing sword than him.

"Master Jim! Are you still alive?" He heard Blinky yell, his voice faint but still loud enough for him to hear.

"Still alive!" Jim yelled back. "Uh...there's nothing down here!"

"Are you sure? No claw marks or dead bodies?"

"Nope! I'm heading back now!"

As Jim pulled Daylight out of the ground, he gave a startled yelp when he saw the dragon's face looming inches from him, it's bright blue eyes on the glowing amulet on his chest.

"No you can't have it, it's shiny but it's mine." He said stepping away from the dragon as it raises one paw to reach out and touch the amulet. "Okay this is getting weird, and I got to go."

As he quickly moved away, Jim heard a croon and glanced behind him to find the not Night Fury following him.

"No no, I go and you stay." Jim ordered, pointing at the dragon and pointed at the floor. "No following."

As he turned to walk out of the tunnel, he glanced behind him to find the dragon gone, earning a sigh of relief before Jim continued walking forward and out of the tunnel.

Master Jim! Thank Deya you're still alive, and with all your limbs intact too!" Blinky exclaimed as Jim emerged from the tunnels and held up the pin in his hand. "And you've managed to retrieve Bagdwella's pin as well! Earlier a gnome came running out of the tunnels with a candy bar in it's grasp and I knew you found a way to get the heirloom without losing a finger!"

"Smell funny." Aaaarrggh said as he sniffed the top of Jim's head. "Don't know why."

"Well he has been inside of a tunnel void of any troll odors, but I'm sure after bathing at home he'll smell like himself again." Blinky said as he led Jim back towards the outskirts of Trollmarket where Draal, Toby, Claire and Vendel were waiting.

"Still alive, found nothing down there." Jim said as he approached the elder troll. "Maybe whatever it was is possibly dead?"

"Possibly, but I'd ask you Trollhunter not to go running into that part of the caves again." Vendel warned him with a grown. "It might still be down there, and should it arise and attack our city you are to kill it on sight. I've already had to see so many good friends of mine come back in pieces."

"There's a monster down there?" Claire asks as they start to walk back into Trollmarket.

"Something like that, we're not sure what it is." Blinky replied and put a finger to his lips. "Now hush, we must not speak of it so openly here."


"Hey Tobes, do you ever remember if the dragon book mentioned there being black and white dragons?" Jim asked his friend as they were walking back to his house.

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