Alexander's Limits

Start from the beginning

"You completely are. Kimberly mentioned that as well. She said she wished Tala had not forced you to pretend to be a father when you could obviously care less." I said, then waited. That was not a quote, but it covered the gist of what Angel's sister told me.

Alexander looked at me, miserable. I wondered how it is that Tala reached him when nothing Jessica, Morgan, or I said or did penetrated his thick skull. Then I wondered IF it did, or if this is a healthy fear of Luciana and Valeria.

"I have much to atone for. I am a lousy father. I have so many children, I cannot keep track of them all. Tala made sure I was always aware of Kimberly, and she always tried to put us in each other's lives, but I could not be bothered." Alexander admitted.

"The price of getting into Tala's bed again was remembering your own daughter. Color me not impressed." I said. "It is not only my sweet wife you do not deserve. You do not deserve that loving woman. Tala is a fool to care about you." I said.

It was not meant to provoke. Just tell it like it is. I am done being even remotely nice to this guy.

"I know." Alexander looked off. "I went by Ninovan on the way here. It is like it was never there. My house, I mean. Gone. A grassy open spot. Tala said Jessica took my house apart with a sledgehammer and used a stream of invective Tala has never heard from one woman before. Tala said it was splinters when Jessica was done, and that the Crew working on making it a grassy spot were pissed off because it would have been easier to cart off in bigger parts."

"That is utterly accurate, and it is my sincere hope to never see Jessica that enraged ever again. Morgan took pictures, and when she needs to deal with her anger at you, she looks at them, and it helps. It took Jessica a little over thirty minutes to reduce that entire place to splinters, and then the Crew erased even those that night. It was a hole in the ground the next morning, where the plumbing was. When the FBI looked at it, they never knew it was ever anything but open space. What Jessica did to the bed, and the bathroom was particularly impressive. She swung that hammer like she was aiming at your gonads."

"That would have been terrifying to see." Alexander said.

I thought Alexander about to leave again, so I said "You know Alexander, you have bragging rights now. You can tell everyone you fucked the woman that is the heart of this family, and the family that is considered the 'First Family' of all North American Vampiredom. You could say that, and it would be true."

"Yes. I could. Jessica is one of the most impressive Vampiresses I have ever met in ALL my centuries. You know lots of really scary women in our world and even married that one..." Alexander tossed a blond head at my house. Morgan. He has never met Helen.

Alexander went on. "The thing is: I do not know why Jessica took me to bed to have sex if she was going to say she hated it so much. I am not that bad. I just didn't know what she wanted to do."

"That is exactly where you screwed up. You should have been able to tell she did not want to be there at all. No matter what she said earlier. I could tell. Morgan could tell. You should have been a gentleman and said 'you know what? Maybe some other time, when you are more in the mood.'. That simple consideration would have increased your chances of a subsequent pleasing encounter with that singular woman. Instead, you ignored her obvious discomfort, you decided that because she is so amazing, you had to have her, damn the consequences. It is only afterward you realized Jessica not only did not succumb to your clumsy lovemaking, she actively hated it. You tried to get her back into your bed to try again. To see if you could fix it. You only made it worse. You did not do what you should have when she told you to leave her alone. To let her be. To let her wash her shame off in peace. That is how she viewed it. You only thought about you and what you wanted. You wanted to rip off a piece of glory and defile it. You succeeded. These are the consequences. You do ANYTHING to piss Morgan off, and she is going to disassemble you. You hurt her wife. Morgan did not get to take it out on you, as I did. She did not get to sledge the location of pain from existence, as Jessica did. You remember how I took you apart? Morgan will do worse if you give her the slightest reason. I am living in fear of her exploding every day."

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