Gardenia looked back at Batya for a second to check on her like she said she was and Batya was doing just fine so she turned back around and all Gardenia could do was squint a little because now Harry was talking to the girls that were watching him. One of them reached out to touch him but he stepped back swiftly and he said something to her to make the girl look at her friends with shock, the look on her face was evident that she didn't think she was doing anything wrong. Harry's coach calls for him and Harry gets back on the field. She began to wonder what they said to him to make him talk to them. It could be nothing but she also wondered who was that girl was trying to touch him?

Gardenia watched Harry practice for the remainder of the class period until Coach Neelson rang his whistles, it was time for everyone to hit the showers, get dressed and get ready to go back to class.

Gardenia and Batya headed back to the locker room and they hit the showers before any of the other girls could and Gardenia quickly explained what she saw. Batya being Batya, she wanted to know who the girl was.

They quickly got dressed and headed out into the gym to find the girl. "Do you see her?" Batya asked Gardenia, she looked around and Gardenia's eyes fell on a girl with long blonde hair that curled at the end and she was talking to her friends. They were all giggling and gossiping with one another. "I have a plan, but you have to play along. Are you good at Improvisation?" Batya asked. Gardenia smirked. "Of course, I am." She replied and Batya began to walk over to the girls and Gardenia stayed at her side. She was curious as to what's about to happen but she will see.

Batya stopped in front of the girls. "Hey, I saw you talking to Harry, wow he's so hot." Batya says even though Batya doesn't even find Harry attractive that way, they became good friends and he is a good looking guy but never in a million years.

The girl turns around and she smiles. "I know, I called him over to us and I said that he had a nice body. He didn't really say anything, he seemed a bit shy but then I asked him if he wanted to go see a movie with me and he said he had a girlfriend. I honestly don't think he has one, there was jive 'bout some colored girl but I don't think he would date out of his own kind. I can't believe he said no to me, girlfriend or not I don't think she could and will never be close to me. I'm the prettiest girl in school." The girl says and Gardenia has never heard of the girl, she has hardly seen the girl and has never heard anyone talk about her. Gardenia doesn't even know her name.

"Is that so..." Batya challenged.

The girl nodded and she looked at Gardenia, she looked her up and down and looked back at Batya.

Batya looks over at Gardenia and she was just as tickled by the situation as she was. Batya chuckled but she continued to play a little. "I saw you try and touch him, what did he say?" Batya asked her and the girl rolled her eyes. "He stepped away and he was like I didn't give you any permission to touch me, he's British so it sounded weird. He's honestly really weird and a bit girly to me, but he's cute so it doesn't matter." She remarked and Gardenia didn't think she could play along anymore after what this girl just said.

"You ugly bi-"

Batya rested her hand on Gardenia's shoulder, silencing her and Gardenia looked at Batya, the girl was about to get some action whether she wanted it or not. Batya looked at the girl and she sighed. "Well, he has a girlfriend and she's way better compared to you and call him weird or girly again, I will slap that mole off of you." Batya threatened and the girl gasped dramatically. Batya mimicked her and she turned around, she grabbed Gardenia's hand. "Let's go."

Gardenia looks back at the girl, she just wanted to slap her one time. Just one slap was all she wanted and she would feel better. "That girl is not even worth your time but it was fun messing with her." Batya replies and the bell rings for lunch. "I know but Harry isn't weird or girly, he's himself and I don't see the problem with that." Gardenia sighed and Batya nodded as she clicked her tongue. "Speaking of the devil." Batya says and Gardenia sees Harry walking towards them, fresh out of a shower and he smiles. "Gardenia!" Harry chimed and Gardenia smiled, Harry hugged her and Batya kept walking to give them their space. "How was gym?" Harry asked her and Gardenia sighed. "It was okay at first until my Afro decided to fall and so I just settled with a bun and it looks so bad." Gardenia sighed at the end and Harry pouted, his eyes trailed her and her face.

Gardenia. [discontinued]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя