I just remember waking up in the middle of night and not finding my mother there anymore, your father was asleep and it was scary for me, plus I had to get back home before my aunt came so I rushed out and headed back home right away.

So yes Arnav, maybe you heard sounds but maybe your father was doing it with someone else while I was asleep there, my dad told me that she had an affair with your dad, so maybe they did it and she left by the time you saw me there and maybe you thought I was the one sleeping with him."

"But why would she bring you all along and then just leave like that?" Arnav asked curiously.

"I don't know Arnav, I have been wondering the same since I found out the reason you hate me, but after that day I never saw her again, so I dint even get to ask my questions.

All I ever did was just love you Arnav, my whole life and when dad told me he wanted us to get married, I was so happy. All that innocence of mine, it wasn't fake Arnav, it was just a girl madly in love with you wanting to be loved back, like those fairytales you watch and read about, that's all I ever asked for." Khushi said sadly as tears kept rolling down her eyes.

Arnav just sat there in shock not knowing what to say anymore, this was why a apart of him always wanted to believe in her innocence, because she actually was, but all he did was take it away from her, so brutally.

"Why... why dint you tell me before Khushi?" He asked.

"How would I tell you Arnav? Until the day I decided to leave I dint even know why you hated me so much, you just kept on doing terrible things to me and I had no idea why.

I later talked to my father and he told me things and that's how the stories fit and I understood why you actually hated me.

The day I left I was so mad Arnav, I had found my husband on bed with some girl, how did you expect me to react? Just throw you an explanation like that? You dint even bother asking me why I did it if that's what you believe, you never asked me any question, you just assumed and believed things the way you wanted to.

You asked me what I would have done if I was in your place Arnav, yes I would have misunderstood to, I would have been so mad, but if I felt something dint fit in my beliefs, I would have at least questioned it.

Tell me Arnav, for all those days that we were together, didn't you even for once think that maybe things weren't the way they seemed?"

"I did."

"Then why didn't you question that? Why didn't you try to find out things Arnav? You just decided to hurt me and punish me for the things you believed happened and I... just... I took it because no matter what I loved you." Khushi broke down completely. Arnav moved closer to her immediately wrapping his arm around her should and hugging her tight.

"I am so sorry Khushi. I have been such a jerk to you, I treated you so horribly, you didn't deserve any of it." Arnav apologized.


Tara and Rohan were just seated in the hall silently still waiting for Arnav and Khushi to come out, Rohan just kept on staring at her while she did all she could to avoid looking at him.

"Tara, why can't we also talk like adult? Just once please?" Rohan asked.

"Because I don't want to Rohan. It's been years, we dated it was great until you started taking me for granted, I kept loving you stupidly and then I decided it was high time I left and now I've moved on, I don't want to visit the past once again." Tara said.

"Not even for love?"

"Which love are you talking about Rohan, you never loved me, if you did you wouldn't just make everyone else your priority but me."

The Irony Of FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora