Catherine Johnson

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Hey guys! So, nobody has really been commenting ideas or just giving me feedback. So, please give me feedback?! Enjoy!

My name is Catherine Johnson. I have long black hair and almond eyes. I am a sophomore at San Francisco High. I have a crush on one of the most popular girls in school. She is also one of my closest friends.

Her name is Annabeth Chase. She is a straight A student, but she has AD/HD and dyslexia. She has curly Honey Blonde hair and stormy gray eyes.

Now, you may be thinking: Wait, you're gay? And my answer is yes. My parents know that I am and are completely supportive.

Anyway, I have to go to my next class now. That class is Greek Mythology. Annabeth is in all of my classes. I'm planning on asking her out at lunch today.

I walk into the classroom, and take my seat next to Annabeth.

"Hi, Cat! How are you?" Annabeth asked.

"Good, how are you?" I ask as nonchalantly as possible.

"Same here." She said.

Just then, our teacher, Mr Brunner walked in the class. Mr Brunner is a pretty laid back guy.

"Good Morning class! Today we have a new student, Percy Jackson." Mr Brunner said.

It could have been my imagination, but Annabeth's eyes seemed to light up at the name Percy Jackson. I wonder why?

A muscular boy walked into the classroom. He had jet black hair and sea green eyes. He must've had an eight pack, cause he looked jacked.

"Class, this is Percy."

"Hello." Percy said shyly.

"SEAWEED BRAIN, WHAT ARE DOING HERE?!" Someone yelled. Then I realized it was Annabeth. Seaweed Brain?

"Well, I had to see my amazing girlfriend. I haven't seen you in months!" Percy said.

"Spring break is next week! You couldn't have waited for me?" She asked. Wait, I thought are they dating?!

"No I couldn't have waited, I wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend, Annabeth Chase!" Percy said. At that moment, I ran out of classroom, tears threatening to spill. I ran outside to my car. As soon as I got in, I let the tears fall. I drove home and went to my room. I jumped onto my bed and cried my eyes out.

And that's how I met Percabeth.

Hey guys! I decided to have the main character be gay, because there is nothing wrong with being gay. Love is love. It's as simple as that. I'll try to update tomorrow. Byeeeeeeeee!

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