"He is alive....and he will be safe soon..now...for him, please eat something. Remember that if zhan sees you like this, he is gonna have a panic attack." Cheng said and left the room to inform carman lee and haikuan about yibo.

"Aunty carman....please make yibo some food...he will eat." Cheng said. Carman's eyes widened.

"You persuaded him!? How!?"

"That is something between me and him." Cheng said with a smile. Carman lee dashed off to the kitchen to make yibo something to eat. Haikuan entered in the living room while holding his phone. His expression was weirdly brighta and his eyes gleamed with hope. Cheng furrowed his eyebrows. Qiren also came down from his room and he took was surprised with the look on haikuan's face.

"Kuan....?" Cheng asked. Haikuan looked at his friend and smiled slightly.

"I think we might know where is zhan...." Haikuan said. Cheng's eyes widened with hope.

"What do you mean , son??" Qiren asked. What they didn't notice was yibo had come down in the living room from his room to talk to his dad...now he stood there frozen at the bottom of the stairs after what he heard.

"Dad, there is a witness...presented himself in police interrogation. I just got a call from the police station about this. The day when zhan was abducted, a man who was passing by noticed a group of three well built men dragging another boy inside a black suv. The boy was apparently zhan. He was unconscious with his head bleeding. Before the man could understand what the hell was happening, the car drove off. Fortunately, the man saw and could remember the car number. The police traced the number and it led to a place in the outskirts of Shanghai. It was a newly built bungalow. I bet it is where wang haoxuan has hid zhan."  Haikuan said. Before anyone could say anything, they heard a sharp intake of breath and looked at the direction and saw yibo with his eyes sparkling.

"We go there tonight." Yibo said sternly. The fire which was lost from his eyes during the three days, came back and he was wearing an expression which frightfully looked as if he was ready to kill mercilessly.
And just like that, without saying anything and ignoring the shocked eyes of his father, brother and zhuo cheng, he strode off upstairs back to his room.

He closed the door and leaned against it while squeezing his eyes shut. After a while he opened them and walked towards his bedside table. He opened the drawer and fished his hands inside the depths of the drawer. He found what he was looking for and took it out. It was a jet black gun. He brought it close to his eyes.

"Wang haoxuan...i swear...if i find that u dared to lay a finger on my zhan....be ready to draw your last breath.

*Xiao Zhan pov*
It was a bright spring afternoon. A gentle  calming breeze blew across the park where to people were walking with their hands interwhined together. Not only their hands, but also their hearts. One  man had a huge smile plastered upon his face, and looked really happy while being with the person he loves with his soul and heart. His heart was contented, no more burdens, no more danger, no more heartbreak....he was beyond happy with his heart in cloud9. The other man was smiling too. It would be a quite a shock for the people who knew him. As they only saw his cold, arrogant side. No one would believe that the boy who once killed people only by death glaring at them, was smiling to his heart content. Feeling happy and nostalgic for being able to feel loved by the person who HE loves. All walls and boundaries had been put down, his frozen heart turned to summer warmth when he was with this man beside him...his beloved bunny. They walked gently on the cherry blossom strewn path, feeling blue and peaceful.

"Bobo....you will never leave me right? U will always stay by my side until my last breath?"

The other man stopped walking and looked at the love of his life's beautiful doe eyes. He grabbed his shoulders pulling him closer and looked him in the eye.

"Never, zhan zhan...never...don't even think think about it..I told u didn't i? That i will stay beside you and protect you forever? I will never EVER leave you...if that ever happens, you are free to kill me with your own hands. But you to have to promise me, that YOU will never leave me."

The other man smiled at his "bobo".
"I had rather die than leave you and watch you suffer. I promise you i will never leave you."

The man who "zhan zhan" called "bobo" pressed his forehead against the other's and smiled.

"I promise you too...."

Zhan woke up with a start. He was still sitting in the chair, where he was for the last three days. The beautiful image of his dream still lingering on his mind. He closed his eyes and a tear rolled down. Will it really be possible? Will the dream ever come true? Will he even survive in order to be a part of that happy moment? All hopes of surviving was lost. Zhan didn't even think whether he will survive or not...whether he would be able to see yibo's face again.

He was sitting on the chair with ropes binding him for the past three days. His body was numb and his back ached for sitting on the chair with no movement for 72 hours. He didn't eat anything. Nor did he drink any water. He felt dizzy with hunger and thirst. He knew haoxuan wont have to kill him....he will die soon because of the lack of energy and nutrients. His mind drifted off to the times when yibo used to feed him with so much care. He would give anything to go back to the past just to feel the comfort of those moments again.
He couldn't even understand whether  it was night time or day, as the only window in the room was boarded up. It was sometimes really suffocating but still he managed.

After a good couple of minutes, zhan suddenly heard faint voices of chaos outside the room he was locked in. The voices were faint
But still it was enough for him to understand that the situation outside was tensed and chaotic. He thought he also heard several gun shot sounds. He sighed...it was mabye another of haoxuan's rivals attacking his bungalow.

After a few moments he started to feel curious....was it really some enemy rival gangs?? Or was it...his family and yibo coming to rescue him?? No...it cant be...he knew for a fact that this place was really well secluded. It wasn't easy to find. His eyes felt heavy and his vision slowly blurred out. He let out a small smile... he was finally dying...he wouldnt die by some knife stab or gunshot...he will die a natural death, out of exhaustion and starving. His eyes eyelids drooped down and a ache was sensable inside his body.

"I love you Wang Yibo....." Zhan said with a small smile and slowly felt himself drowning in a black dark sea.

After a while, faintly in a distance, he heard the door getting kicked open and a shout of a familiar, beloved voice erupted in his senses.

"ZHAANN!!!!" The voice slowly made his consciousness flood back to him. His mind still felt numb with exhaustion. He didn't have any energy left to comprehend what was going on. All he knew was he knew this voice....it was the voice of someone he loves...he heard distant concerned voices.


He felt the ropes which were binding him rip apart. His body felt light by the sudden impact of feeling free from the tight impact of the ropes which were aroumd him for three days. He felt himself slid down the chair he was sitting on. His body felt oddly light. His back was aching because of sitting on the chair for some long. He felt warm hands grip his shoulders and waist tightly. He crashed down and instead of feeling the surface of the hard floor,he felt hismelf fall down on someones lap. The warm hands gripped him tightly and pulled his body closer to the unknown man's chest. Suddenly he felt himself engulfed in a familliar warmth and a familiar scent filled his nostrils. The person was hugging zhan tightly. Zhan felt water droplets fall on his face.

With all the energy and consciousness he had left, he slowly opened his eyes and the scene broke his heart as well as making his heart beat faster. He stared at a very broken face of yibo. Tears were running down his face uncontrollably.

"Y-yi-bo....." Zhan uttered out. Yibo jerked his  head looking directly into zhan's eyes. He cupped his face.

"Zhan! I'm here! U will be okay...let me take u to the hospital...everything will be alright." Yibo said desperately. Zhan managed to let out a smile. He knew he will loose consciousness any moment.

"Yi-bo...you...i'm..." Zhan couldnt finish and blacked out. The last thing he felt was yibo's hands tightening around his shoulders.

Lost in You ( yizhan ff)✔completedWhere stories live. Discover now