First Few Words

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Before I start this fanfiction, I would like to say that I have only watched 4N1K First Love since 4N1K New Beginnings is still not available in English Subtitles in my country. I was addicted to the series, and I know a lot of things changed in the second season. This is to say that this fanfiction is written with the sole purpose to re-live the intensity and drama that was shown in the first season because the second season had a way different tone to the show and even though I am excited to watch it, I am disappointed by a lot of things. I tried to watch in Turkish, and these were my observations.

1. It lacked the intensity of season 1

2. It was more on the comic side, while season 1 was more on the romance/dramatic side.

3. Sinan was a mature character in First Love, however, he became more of a comic one in New Beginnings.

4. No Ece (she was one of my favorites among the girls, and Ms Ela too)

5. A whole new set of side characters (most of which were temporary)

All these made me realize that I missed First Love terribly and that New Beginnings was not going to sit well with me. Also, the ending of season 1 left me confused and wanting for more, which was not possible because they had taken the leap. I was upset about a lot of things, the fact how they just used Ali's heartbreak to lead it to his confession to Yaprak, rather than focus on his distress about the parents' betrayal. The fact that they just ended it with Ece's accident, giving no answer about what happened after. They left way too many open ends, in my opinion.

Hence, this fanfiction will follow after New Beginnings (sort of), and a lot of characters from First Love will play a part in the story formation. Yaprak returns from a trip to her parents to finish college, and reunite with her friends. However, she will discover a change of feelings and realize that she might be finally experiencing love. The gang will face a  series of circumstances where they will learn to question life and love, and realize how it is interconnected.

Disclaimer: All the characters of the above fan fiction belong to Ms. Busra Yilmaz, and I do not claim otherwise. The story is solely written with the purpose of entertainment.

I am hoping to start the series real soon, and I hope you guys will love to read it.

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