Mood swings

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"Where you going babe?" I whined as I felt Ashley escaping my grip, I could feel the morning sun shining on my face through the curtains.

"I'm seeing my family today, so have fun with Charlotte today. Bye!" I heard her shout as she quickly left the room. She saying Charlotte staying here, God please give me strength.

I got up walking my lazy ass to the bathroom, brushing my teeth then decided to take a long shower, the longer it is the less time I have to be stuck with Charlotte. I would go out and meet my boys or something but I don't know when Ashley is coming back. I don't need Charlotte getting any extra time with her. So I need to make sure I'm here so nothing goes down.

I walked down stairs to see Charlotte with a big top on and little shorts, she was eating her breakfast in the kitchen. Charlotte is fine looking, but she has a annoying bad attitude. To be fair though, I would hate the person who was trying to steal my girl. She's still a bitch though. She looked up and saw it was me which caused her to roll her eyes. I started to make my breakfast but then I heard a annoying squeaky voice, oh it was just Charlotte talking to me.

"What you say?" I said bluntly.

"I asked where Ashley is." She said annoyed, rolling her eyes at me again. I hope her eyes stay at the back of her head, so she won't have to worry about seeing me touching up on Ashley, she just gonna hear moans.

"Aw didn't your girlfriend tell you where she was going." I sarcastically said adding a pout at the end.

"Stop being difficult and just tell me where she is please."

"When did you learn to have manners?" I asked in a fake shocked tone, she just rolled her eyes at me for the third time. I laughed then decide to stop pissing her off... For now anyways. "She's seeing her family."

"Thank you." She tutted, she washed up her plate then left the room. I'm a horny man, so I'm not gonna say I didn't look at her arse when she walked off because I would be lying. She got a cute ass, it ain't as big as Ashley's but it good enough.


"Give me the fucking controller back Christopher!" Charlotte shouted at me, she was climbing on top of me trying to get the tv remote out of my hand. She was watching boring animal shit while Lakers are playing.

"Don't be calling me Christopher, it just Chris to peasants like you." I said angrily pushing her off me.

"Don't be putting your hands on me Christopher!" She shouted, she just keeps pushing her luck.

"Stop fucking testing me Charlotte!" I shouted.

"Or what?" She chuckled, she some brave bitch.

I angrily pushed her body up against the wall, I stood about 5cm away from her. I could feel her heavily breathing against me, she looked slightly scared now. I calmed my breathing down while we looked in each others eyes. I felt calmer just from looking into her gorgeous brown eyes. I didn't want to hurt her, so I let out a deep breath and moved away from her. She stood there for a while just starring at me, I just starred back at her too. Not knowing what to do or say, we didn't have to do anything as Ashley walked in from the front door. She was gone the whole day. She awkwardly smiled at us, as she tried to walk straight upstairs.

"No hello?" I asked annoyed at her rudeness, it feels like I'm having a male period today as my mood keeps changing.

"Hi." She answered going to run up the stairs, but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist pulling her back. Straight away I got a strong smell of another man and the smell of sex. I know I haven't dicked her down today, so why she smelling of it.

"Where have you really been?" I asked looking into her eyes, she didn't return the look though. She looked every but my eyes.
What everyone feeling right now? Any predictions on what gonna happen next?

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