Chapter 2: What it means to be a black

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Chapter 2: What it means to be a black

Blacks are the best.
Blacks are never weak nor show any emotion whether it be positive or negative.
Blacks uphold blood purity and do not associate with mudblood - magic stealers or filthy blood traitors.
Blacks are the asperity of pureblood society and are expected to act accordingly.
Blacks are knowledgeable, smart and witty furthermore, a Black will never be beaten in tests, wealth or mind-set.
Blacks are royalty of the wizarding world.
Blacks never bow their head to anyone
Blacks do not have 'friends', only acquaintances.
Blacks are confident.
Blacks never question the authority of their pure-blooded elders

These laws were drilled into children's minds at birth and they were expected to teach those to their own children when the time came. By the grand old age of 5, Narcissa knew each and every one of those 'laws' off by heart. Every morning at 6am, along with her two sisters, Narcissa was woken by Kreacher and was instructed to dress for breakfast. 'Cissy' hated breakfast. It was the only time she really saw her parents during the day so naturally, her cruel father saw it fit to question them about their political views of the world and to test the three girls on the Black family laws. If they got it wrong- well let's just say that the Black sisters were no strangers to the Cruciatus curse. Narcissa learnt from her sisters mistakes.

"Bellatrix, what is your view on having a female minister of magic?" Cygnus asked his eldest daughter. "I think that it would be wonderful! Women would have more rights and wouldn't be treated like second-class citizens! After all, from every great women is born a great man." Bella exclaimed.

"CRUCIO!" Cygnus roared. Bella fell to the floor, screaming out in pain. Still seething, Cygnus turned his attention to his middle daughter and asked the same question to Andromeda or 'Andy' as she was known by her sisters. "I think it would be a good to have a female minister of magic but only is she was pureblood otherwise she would be too easy to manipulate." Came Andy's reply in a muffled squeak. Andy met the same horrible fate and joined her sister, screaming on the cold, damp, hard ground.

Cygnus and Druella both turned and looked at Narcissa, expecting a reply. Cissy had observed what her sisters said and how they acted. Bellatrix stood bold and over-confident yet stated a response that clearly displeased their father. On the other hand, Andy gingerly gave her opinion which obviously broke rule number 9. After silently debating what she should say, she drew her shoulders back and lifted her head and chin. "I think that it would be terrible, a women's place is in the nursery, caring for the children or accompanying their husbands on official engagements."

The smallest of smiles crept onto her father's face before being covered by a scowl. "DISSMISSED!" He bellowed, indicating for the girls to leave. Cissy helped her sisters stumble up the grand staircase. Perhaps the sisters would take a ride through the endless grounds belonging to the Black family. Narcissa however decided that this wasn't a very good idea as she found it almost impossible to ride side-saddle. She didn't want to give her parents another reason to be mad at the children.

A/N: I hope you like it!! Sorry it's so short but I'm just trying to establish the story and plot. Vote, comment, fan and follow ;-)

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