Apparently that was enough to have Luke break out into a short bout of laughter, grinning around the red apple as he bit into it with a sharp crunch. Her brother winked at her, moving to leave the kitchen as he said, "You can't escape us that easily, Jos."

She could wish, though.

Rather than retreating to the living room or to the dining table, Josie hopped up on the couch, placing a small tray in her lap so the bottom of the hot bowl didn't burn her lap as she twirled the pasta around her fork. Josie ate her lunch absently, able to vaguely hear the music playing upstairs and the two pairs of footsteps, not at all making a move to go up and see her brother and new temporary roommate.

Luke was only being a good friend by having Calum move in with them, but of course he wasn't aware of the complication that tensed Josie's muscles at the thought of Calum living with them. That being said, Calum knew. He knew first hand how awkward it could potentially get with the two of them being under the same roof—the last time they were, they'd crossed the line that had disappeared since. They were already around each other more than it was helpful; this temporary living arrangement wouldn't be doing them any favors.

Letting out a sharp breath through her nose as she chewed, Josie's shoulders slumped, disenchanted gaze casted down to her bowl. Was she overreacting? She couldn't clearly tell and couldn't bring it in herself to care. Looking her brother in the eye had become hard enough—now the reason for that was living with them. The universe seemed to be against her.

So lost in her thoughts, Josie hadn't even been aware of the footsteps that were approaching until there was another person in the room, looking up to see the man who had consumed her thoughts lingering by the entrance. She looked up, sensing him before she even saw him, slowly swallowing the mouthful of pasta as her eyes met his dark ones. Calum didn't say anything, didn't try to. She recognized, wryly, the reluctance he wore on his face, lips pursed as they silently stared at one another.

Josie lifted her chin, raising an eyebrow as she repeated the same words he'd said to her on one of her first days in L.A., right here in this kitchen. "You could've given me a heads up."

"Thought I'd return the favor of giving you a surprise," Calum returned smoothly, moving further into the kitchen. He went to the fridge, which happened to be on Josie's immediate left, given that she was sitting on the counter right by it. Josie's expression dropped into a deadpan, and Calum scoffed as he opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. As he uncapped it, he looked at her, letting out a sigh as a meaningful expression flashed across his face. "It's only temporary. It's not a big deal, Josie."

She narrowed her eyes, tilting her head. "Do you seriously believe that?" she challenged, not entirely satisfied by his statement. He didn't even sound like he believed it, so how was he going to try and convince her otherwise?

Calum sighed sharply once more, facing the ceiling briefly—Josie fought the urge to eye at the expanse of his neck, at the way her lips had once felt on it—before looking down at her with a tired, almost bored expression. Calum spoke quickly, an irritated rasp in his voice as he retorted, "No, Jos, I don't; but I can't stay at Ash or Mike's and I couldn't give Luke a legit reason to deny his offer other than the fact that I fucked his sister."

Her eyes grew wide, absently glad she didn't have a mouthful of spaghetti she would've definitely choked on upon hearing Calum's words. With her free hand, she smacked his arm, gaze darting towards both entrances of the kitchen, looking into the living room and towards the hall leading to the stairs in case Luke was anywhere near. Her heart had jumped in her throat, feeling a fire spark in the pit of her belly as Calum's words resonated in her head.

"Are you serious?" she hissed, incredulous gaze on him as Calum rolled his dark eyes, taking a sip of the beer. No longer did he look as reluctant as he had when he first came into the kitchen, now adopting a demeanor too casual than the situation called for. He looked like he could care less about the situation, meanwhile Josie felt her heart pick up its pace. Whether it was at Calum so casually flinging around his words or at the reminder of a night she would never forget, Josie wasn't sure. Most likely both. She shook her head at him. "Shut up—Luke might hear you."

Who's Gonna Love You Like Me? [Brother's Best Friend!Calum AU]Where stories live. Discover now