Ch 5. Surprises, Surprises...

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“I know it’s the 23rd baby girl, but I was called in! I’ll be back before too late!” She pecked my head before running over and kissing my dad briefly as she put on her winter jacket. I couldn’t help but watch in slight amusement as she scurried out the door, one shoe off.

“Hold the fuck up!” I screamed once realizing my dad's assumption, blushing hard. Said male turned on the couch some towards me, confusion written on his face.

“What's wrong (Y/n)?” He made a motion to stand and I crossed my arms in front of me as a sign of ‘no’, halting his actions. My flaring face wouldn't cool for the life of me as I took deep breaths, looking down.

“We're not even dating! Why would we even-?!” I couldn't finish my sentence as my face became hotter, the idea of Shoto even…. I rubbed my cheeks, smacking them lightly to get the naughty thoughts that slipped into my mind gone.

“You’re my teenage daughter.” He spoke factually before rubbing his head. “Oh I forgot… So your mom’s sister is co-” A low growl escaped me as my back slumped into the chair I sat in, stopping my father abruptly.

“I hate heeerrrrr!!” I whined as a pout formed across my face. “All my fucking life she never came to visit on holidays! She has one measly little kid and now she’s over every holiday! She’s taking advantage of you guys! And they will not be staying in my room this time around!” I stomped my foot, my arms flailing with each dramatization I placed on words. My father shook his head, most likely his silent disapproval of my childish tantrum but I gave not a single fuck.

“I know dear, and I hate her too. But she’s your mom's sister.” He reasoned and I sighed, slumping further from my spot, slipping onto the ground.

“Fine…” I muttered, leaning up to look at my dad's ghost of a smile as he looked at me. “How long this time around?” I asked, dragging myself into a proper sitting position on the floor.

“Atta girl! They’ll be here later today, and will be leaving on the 26th.” I groaned at his words, falling back again.

“Gooddaaammittt!” After a second of staring at the bottom of the kitchen chair my body slammed up, my forehead smacking the chair. “Ow fuckin a!” I cried before sitting up and running at my father. I paid no mind to the thrumming pain in my head as I grabbed his shoulder. He looked at me warily, his hand reaching out to my forehead.

“Be more careful! You’re sou-”

“Yeah! Shoto is here!!” I cried, lifting my hands to my head to rub at the pain furiously for the two toned males sake. “What are we gonna do about that? Ohh my god, did you guys seriously invite him to stay knowing they were gonna be coming?” I asked, my eyes watering from the thought of Shoto having to meet the entitled bitch and her family, who is sadly related to me.

“Yes we did.” My dad’s brows furrowed as he sighed. “We thought it’d make your holiday a little less stressful having him around. Why don’t you go cook to take your mind off it, I'll come in and help if you’d like.” I had started pacing sometime during his explanation, and had already made my way towards the kitchen as he recommended it.

“No, I’ll be fine.” I mumbled. Shoto will be staying in my room for the next few nights… No matter how anything goes we’d most likely end up like last night too.. A soft sigh escaped my lips as my face heated. I have comforted him to sleep so many times, it’s not new to fall asleep with him, but… My dad's misunderstanding crossed my mind and I found myself slamming the button on the small CD player harder than intended as my thoughts took the idea and ran against my wishes. It was wrong to be his source of comfort while he had a girlfriend, yet I didn’t let it bother me, mostly cause fuck. Her. But now… Now I’m sleeping next to him, entangling myself with him unconsciously, and he.. I.. My eyes watered as I had, unbeknownst to myself, grabbed out everything to cook my favorite breakfast. I wiped the salty substance off my face before washing my hands and forcing myself to get lost in the music instead of my thoughts. Slowly I found myself singing to the music that played, my hips swinging to the music as I did my best to not start actually dancing, knowing if I were to, I’d most likely forget the food on the stove.

Overcoming Our Obstacles Shoto Todoroki x Reader YLE,MRA Book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin