Chapter 2

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Luciana's POV

“Thought they killed you since you weren’t with the others, tied up on deck” the same guy who called me a woman a while ago, was now whispering to me. I let out a heavy sigh before telling him what happened. He let out a low chuckle before shaking his head.

“You put up a pretty good fight. As for me, I got captured when I was fighting the first person. I didn’t even get the chance to put a single scratch on him before he knocked me out and I woke up, finding myself tied up with the rest of the crew.” He said and I snorted.

So unattractive. But that’s the point, right? I am a dude!!! Jake was sitting next to me, his head bowed down. He didn’t say a word after I got captured. I shuffled a bit towards him which was a bit hard, seeing as how I can’t use my hands. “Hey Jake, you ok? Did they do something to you?” I asked and he shook his head, still looking down.

“Then what’s wrong?” I asked and he bowed his head down even more if possible. I shuffled closer and heard a sob. “What happened?! Did those pathetic excuses of humans do something to you! Are you hurt!” I said worriedly. He was freaking crying!

“N-no. It’s not that. They caught you because of me. It was my fault. N-now, who knows what they might do to you. Especially since you struggled so much against them. They might find out you’re a…… know what…….” He said and I was just staring at him with a blank expression before me bursted out into a heavy fit of laughter.

“You are really……..something. You are in no position to worry about me you twit. Look at yourself. You are tied up and in a worst position than me. You are a kid who is in the middle of a dangerous crowd of pirates and I am a person who could take care of me.” I said proudly.

“Don’t forget that that person you are talking about is a ‘woman’, right?” he said and I looked around, making sure that no one heard what he just said, before turning back to Jake and glaring daggers at him. He looked at me and let out a nervous laugh. “Twerp” I mumbled.

“What exactly did you do to their captain? Every time a pirate passes by you, they would chuckle and start to gossip” Jake said and I realized what he was talking about. I remembered the fact that I hit him in his sensitive spot. That face, how it was twisted. That voice, how much pain there was in it. Those eyes, how much anger and pain there was in them. It was hilarious.

“What did you do?” Jake asked and I looked at him confused. “Why would you think I did something?” I asked and she fidgeted a bit. “You were smiling evilly. That smile is never good which only means you did something to the captain, so what did you do?” he asked. I smiled evilly again before I began talking. “I was running away and he caught me so I had an Idea and looked down.

He knew what I was planning and was trying to prevent me by telling me to not even think about it but he was too late because I already brought my knee up and kicked him in his manhood. He fell to the ground letting me down and holding his manhood. It was so funny. That made my day. HAHAHA!!!” I started laughing again and saw Jake blushing. “You k-kicked him in such a place? That is just too much. Even if he is a pirate.” He said and I laughed at how innocent he looked.

Awe so cuuuuttteeee. A crowd of pirates came out from the other side of the ship and the devil himself was in the middle. He looked at me but couldn’t walk properly. It must be because of the pain I just caused him. I leaned in to Jake and started whispering in his ear.

”Look at him. He can’t walk properly because of my awesome kick. Haha!” I said and heard a heavy, scary growl. I slowly turned my head to the front and saw that Leonardo was glaring down at me, his amazingly hot face scrunched up with pain and anger.

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