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Tehzeeb has been busy with her studies because her tests were approaching. Which most of the lecturers would not announce the day they would be writing test, they would just come to the class and asked them to tear a sheet of paper for test. She doesn't want to be left behind or come to class unprepared so she has seriously been reading her books even when she's at home.

"Umma" she called her mother

"Na'am Tehzeeb" her mother answer

"Let me get going. I don't want to be late and it's sunny"

"Okay toh. All the best dear"

"Thank you"

"Wait" her Umma called out to her before she left "your father said I should give you transport fare. Here take it and quickly leave before you get late"

"Umma keep it. I still have some change in my hand" she said returning the money to her Umma

"Take the money and leave or you tell me the reason you don't like collecting money from us anymore. Always saying you have change. Tehzeeb hope you're not doing anything behind our back?" her mother stated looking at her sternly

"Haba Umma don't say that. I can't keep anything from you or do anything behind your back"

"Then you better take the money and leave. You're wasting your time you know"

"Okay Umma" she collected the money and left.

She arrived at the school bus stop and met Khady standing there.

"Hey girl, how are you?"

"I'm fine and what are you still doing here?" Tehzeeb asked curiously

"I've been waiting for you, no need for silly questions. I don't blame you. Meet me in class" Khady huffed and left without waiting for Tehzeeb's reply

"I'm sorry, walk a little slower you are walking too fast" Tehzeeb wined

"Oh please let me be, and I'm not walking slowly since you don't want me to wait for you"

"But I said I'm sorry" she shouted and sighed because she was not use to walking fast and Khady was making it difficult for her to match her space. Khady stopped abruptly without Tehzeeb knowing so she collided with Khady's head

"Ouch" she shouted

"Good for you" Khady said "and apology not accepted period" Khady reply and walk out on her leaving Tehzeeb all alone. Tehzeeb smiled and followed suit she knew her friend's attitude very well.

Tehzeeb doesn't like the lecture they were about to have now because it's their HOD's lecture.Tehzeeb doesn't like attending his classes but have no other option. After spending two hours in the lecture hall, they all went out of the class to pray before the next class started.

"I just don't like this HOD's lectures" Khady complained

"I thought I was the only one" reply Tehzeeb

"My dear you're not the only one oooo" Khady respond squeezing her face together

"I just don't know, I don't understand the way he lectures and he keeps looking at someone which is uncomfortable" Tehzeeb complained

"God bless you! I thought I was the only one that noticed the way he looks at people with that his eyes like what I don't know" Khady said shaking her head. Tehzeeb couldn't hold it in anymore so she burst into a fist of laughter. Khady turned and look at her "Are you okay?" She asked looking at Tehzeeb as if she had grown an extra horn on her head

"I'm sorry, it's just the way you talked about the HOD. Did you see your face? It looked like you were ready to murder him" Tehzeeb said still laughing

"Oh Please! spare me, I'm saying the truth. He looks at someone without even blinking. Especially when you enter the class or you're going out. His eyes would be on you without a single blink. Imagine! and he's married fa" Khady hissed and walk without saying anything again since Tehzeeb was still laughing

They prayed and went back to the class since they were having another lecture before the end of the day. Immediately they entered the class the lecturer entered who was no other than Bagare no nonsense man.

The lecture commenced since he doesn't waste time when he comes to the class and he hardly smiled, he always wore a frown on his face. Binta one of the student was about to sneak in the class when Bagare turned and saw her

" What do you think you're doing? Haven't I said it before that no one enters my class when I'm already inside?" Bagare shouted looking at Binta from head to toe

"You don't know what you're here for. We the lecturers will come on time just to teach you but you the unserious student will not come on time since you're the one paying us" he continue complaining

"Now get out of my class you unserious fellow. This is how they fail and start blaming us" he continued ranting while Binta quietly left the class.

"Infact all of you bring out a sheet of paper we're writing a test. I will go round and number your papers. I pity anyone that will write for someone" with that being said he gave them the test and started going around to number their papers. When he was done, he asked them to submit without allowing them to finish he was about to leave when he stopped abruptly and faced the class

"That reminds me we will be going for excursion. I will give you feed back on the amount to be paid" he said walking out of the class before all the student alighted from the class

"This man has issues to God who made me"Khady said walking beside Tehzeeb who was waiting for her

"You're always complaining about the lecturers" Tehzeeb said to her

"Please don't play the innocent card with me. We both know that's the truth. Bagare is always saying we're not qualified to be in food science just because he's opportuned to be a graduate with good results"

"Don't mind him, let's think about the excursion in front of us for now" Tehzeeb said changing the topic

"That's true, I wonder where we will be going. I hope it's a good place before they will tell us to come and go to one rubbish place in the name of excursion"

"You're not serious. Let's get going it's getting late. I don't want Umma and baba to get worried that I'm not back" Tehzeeb said and they started walking. Tehzeeb was lost in thoughts thinking about how she could get the money for the excursion even before the amount was disclosed to them, she was bothered. She knows she can't afford to go for the excursion because she had no means of paying for the transport

"Ke Tehzeeb. What's wrong with you?" Khady asked

"Nothing. Just tired" she lied in between her teeth

"Okay, If you say so. Let's get Keke and go home" Khady said hailing Keke for both of them and they departed since they were not not going to the same place. Tehzeeb arrived home but was weak because she didn't know how to tell her parents about the excursion. She didn't want to put another burden on them again. She said Salam with a fake smile plastered on her face

"Umma I'm back" she said going into her parent's room

"Welcome my daughter. Go and freshen up before you eat" Umma said and continued with what she was doing.

Where would she get the money from?

Do you think she would be able to go for the excursion with them?

Thanks for all d votes and comments.

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