"The movie just ended and the grandma just died"He said looking at me then leaning in to give me a hug.

"I'm sorry,you don't deserve this at all"He said hugging me tighter until I pulled away.

"I have to go I need to meet up with Jordan he came back from college"She said referring to her older brother that in college and I nodded and before she left she came to hug me.
Then she left.

"We can go get food its 11 already we've been binge watching Disney movie for the past 4 and half hours"He said and I followed him to the car.

We came back to his house and we ate there instead since it faster yeah I don't know and I don't care.

"I have to stop by denise's house to get clothes and my phone schools not over so I think nobody's home,Can I stay here for tonight?"I asked Alex while looking for more ice cream realizing there's no ice cream.

"Stay for as long as you want"He said handing me my car keys.

I arrived to her house and I was going to be fast,avoiding anything at all.

I used the spare key and walked in going straight to Denise's room to get half of my stuff then to Gabrial's for my other half,Once I opened it I wish I hadn't even thought of opening it. Gabrial was laying on his bed on his phone,We made eye contact and he instantly got up.I got my phone and slam the door running downstairs only for Gabrial to reach for my arm and pulling it.

"Can we t-talk"He said looking disappointed and sad when I was suppose to be the only one feeling like that.

I slapped him with all the rage I had leaving him a red mark instantly breaking the hold from my hand.

"Just listen at least"He said holding his cheek from the slap.While I just stared at him waiting for stupid answers for his mistakes.

"Last night I-I was mad that he came and you forgave him because how he hurt you wasn't right or what I thought but I'm sorry and I didn't mean any of those words I said to you."He said pulling me closer to him and putting my hands in his.Until I pulled away.

"I have to go"I said getting my things then attempting to go to the get to the door but failed because Gabrial pulled on my arm.

"Let me explain what happened at school,And I'm not lying and even if I tried lying to you I wouldn't be able to because I love you with everything  I fucking have"he said looking into my soul what felt like.

"Nicki came up to me and was asking about Alex then when you were walking i was trying to go to you to apologize but Nicki grabbed me then she kissed me and I tried to get out of her weirdly strong grip but she didn't budge until you turned and left,I would never want to hurt you on purpose ever"He said grabbing his hands into mine.

I don't know if it was because I love him or the situation I was in,I pulled him into a hug and squeezed him tightly.

"I love you too"I said pulling away to look up at him and gave him a kiss on his beautiful defined jaw.

"You won't need these"He said referring to my keys he threw on the dinner table then picked me up bridal style and took me to his room.
"Ok try to guess what I draw on your back"I said drawing a heart on his back.We were taking a nice and relaxing bath because we need it said Gabrial apparently,I thought we didn't need it but I'm 99.9% we need this every night.

"Umm...a....butt!"He said turning to make eye contact with me but for him to find me laughing my guts out.

"You're dumb"I said in between my nonstop laughs.

"What is it then?"He said with the most annoyed expression on his beautifully and defined face.

"A...Heart dummy and to believe I thought you were going to get thi-"I was annoyingly cut off by my phone ringing.

"Can you pass it to me"I said pointing at it,the gabrial getting it and passing it to me to see the name Alex.
Dammit I forgot to tell him ughhh I function so fucking slow.

The second I answer Alex starts yelling at me making me flinch and I see a frown grow on Gabrial's face"Where the hell are YOU?!Are you okay!?Answer ME?!"

"Maybe I can answer you if you shut the fuck up?!Jeez Alex,I'm okay and I'm with Gabrial,Are you okay or do you have a Snake up your ass?"I said already annoyed by how he started the stupid call.

"Yeah I'm okay but why in the hell are you with Gabrial?"He asked sounding very curious and mad at the same time.

"Because we're a couple and worked things out" I said shivering because of how cold the water was getting and I could tell Gabrial saw me too.

"You should've let me know ok?"He said calmly.

"Yeah I know,I got caught up with everythi-"I was cut off by Gabrial inserting his finger into my clit then into me making me get the chills and arch my back against the tub.

"Um hellooo you going to finish what you were saying?"Alex said through the phone,Me forgetting I was still on the call.

"Um..yeah um..ugh....woahhh that oh yeah sorry that what?"I asked forgetting what he said once again.

"Stop"I mouthed to Gabrial but he  did the opposite and inserted his finger into me and out making me move to the motion he was going and making small moans come out of me.

"You okay?"Alex said probably referring to my moans I basically made into the phone.

"Oh..yeah I was massaging my foot...mmmm um because I twisted my foot,um hey I have to go because you know school tomorrow"I said making an excuse to get off the phone call because welp I was kinda busy with Gabrial fingering me.

"Um okay but know that it's 4 and I'm not dumb enjoy your sexy time with your baby daddy bye"He said then hanging up leaving me speechless then threw my phone who knows where?

"You're an selfish asshole"I said getting on top of Gabrial and kissed him passionately.

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