help | gauge burek

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pairing: y/n x gauge burek

genre: angst

warnings: abusive parents, swearing, blood, suicidal thoughts


it's as if the banging on the door grew louder as you watched the door shake violently with every fist that was thrown at it. you sat in the corner of your room, covering your ears to muffle the selfish degrading being shouted on the other side of the door. you shook violently as you sobbed, feeling the warm blood run down your nose and mouth. you could leave, god, you thought about leaving so many times, but you could never leave your mom with him. if you thought about it, nothing was tying you here. you could solve all of your problems and be relieved. 

after hearing to the constant degrading for minutes on end you heard glass shatter on the other side of the door. suddenly, the banging and degrading stopped and your door handle jiggled slightly.

"y/n, it's mom," she sniffled.

you immediately leaped across the room opened both locks that you had placed on the door without your father's consent. you opened the door and saw your mom's face red and puffy with a black eye forming. your abusive father lying unconscious on the ground with a broken vase scattered throughout the hallway. both of you gave one another a tight embrace and started sobbing into each other's arms. she pulled away, taking in your broken appearance and placed both hands on your cheeks, silent tears running down her cheeks but trying to be strong. her touch was incredibly gentle, careful not to cause you any more pain.

"y/n, listen to me very carefully," she sobbed.

you nodded and looked into her eyes. you could tell something else was paining her besides the wounds on her face.

"you need to call gauge and tell him you need to leave," she sniffled, talking quickly.

"no ma-" you started.

"hurry and start packing, we don't have much time until he wakes up."

"mom, i'm not going to leave you," you sobbed. just the thought of leaving your mom alone was enough to shatter your heart and make your stomach drop. 

"y/n, sweetheart, i'll be fine. i can manage. you come back and get me when you're okay. just call gauge and get far away from here, okay?"

you nodded again, giving her another tight embrace as she kissed your forehead. 

"i love you my little angel."

"i love you too, mom," you sniffled.

"once you're out of the house, i'll call the authorities and settle everything but i don't want you anywhere near here for a long time. go, hurry," she said, shoving you back into your room and closing the door. 

you ran to your bed to grab your phone and immediately dial gauge's number. you started frantically packing toiletries, clothes, and jewelry in bags, just shoving anything you could. you made sure to pack a few pictures of you and your mom and some that you had of gauge and your friends. you picked up the guitar that your mom gave you as well.  the phone rang for what felt like forever, but on the third rang he picked up.

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