Episode 2

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Perhaps it was no coincidence that Ozgur and Ezgi would crash into each other's lives on three separate and bizarre occasions before they would properly meet each other

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Perhaps it was no coincidence that Ozgur and Ezgi would crash into each other's lives on three separate and bizarre occasions before they would properly meet each other. Perhaps the universe was determined to bring them together because they were both at a point in their lives that they would be needing each other and that the only way to get the other one's attention was to make a blasting impression on one another —because one crazy encounter would not have been enough for this odd couple. Both Ezgi and Ozgur have insecurity issues they need to resolve. This special connection will allow them to take a long, hard look at themselves and learn from each other and maybe, just maybe, find love along the way.

Ezgi is fed up with dating the wrong men, her most recent being her boyfriend of three years who cheated on her. Her history of choosing wrong boyfriends may have resulted from an absent relationship with her father which she alludes to when she was reading her cousins self-help book on how to find your mate. She sets her eyes on Serdar, a doctor who is the epitome of Mr. Right. But after a failed attempt at getting a date with him, she enlists the help from Ozgur who apparently understands the "rules" of courtship, even though he is ironically the epitome of Mr. Wrong and who she's been warned to stay away from. Ozgur only agrees to help her if she agrees to accompany him as his fake girlfriend at his sister's wedding for the sole purpose of appeasing his pushy mother who is obsessed with him getting married. Ezgi reluctantly agrees, and so...their deal is on.

While coaching Ezgi though, we have to wonder who Ozgur is really helping —is it Ezgi, or himself. His tactics succeed in making Serdar interested in Ezgi but he manages to keep her away from him, convincing her that she needs to prolong Serdar's longing for her. In the meantime, although he had told her she wasn't his type, Ozgur enjoys spending more time with her, and subsequently develops a bond with her, even feelings, dare I say. He acts as her new best friend, lounging on her bed, giving her tips on what to wear, how she should wear her hair, how she should walk, how to flirt, all while getting to know her better and becoming even closer to her. He gets comfortable with her, constantly teasing her, even flirting with her. When it was show-time in the park, he keeps a close distance and guides her, like her confidante. That fedora he wore certainly gave off "best friend" vibes...to me it was reminiscent of Molly Ringwald's best friend/secret admirer "Duckie" in the 80's classic "Pretty in Pink". Even taking her home, you could feel the friendship bonding as they shared a joy ride together in his Vette.

But Ozgur doesn't typically have girls as "best friends", so it would appear that Ezgi is growing on him and, without knowing it, just might be becoming his type after all. Ezgi certainly starts thinking this...even dreams about it...But when she tries to talk to him about this by thanking him for helping her deal with the run-in with her ex, and telling him that he surprised her with his sensitivity, he denies it. He doesn't want to show any sign of vulnerability as he has a reputation to uphold and makes up excuses for his actions...that it wasn't about her at all...that he only helped her to take revenge on her ex for making him have to deal with her...blah blah blah. Who is he trying to fool? We saw how he was fondling her hair. And checking out her assets. And flirting with her at the park. And calling her Askim at the boutique. His denial angers her and she quickly dismisses the idea... he was lucky he didn't get a bowl of spaghetti over his head with those comments.

They certainly drive each other crazy, which only means one thing: they care about one another (although they would never admit it). Fate pushes their limits even further when Ozgur finds out that he needs to be at the pre-wedding festivities a day earlier than planned which unfortunately coincides with Ezgi's long-awaited date with Serdar, which she won't cancel. In the end, Ozgur calls off their deal altogether because Ezgi won't make the sacrifice for him.

But Fate was not through with them just yet, because later that day, they were in for another surprise. Coincidentally Ozgur's partner, Ozan hired Ezgi for the PR position in their new restaurant business. Now they couldn't avoid each other even if they wanted to. They would just have to learn to get along.

So as fate would have it, they're back together whether they like it or not, even though in the back of their minds I don't think they're disappointed one bit.

Mr. Wrong (Bay Yanlis)Where stories live. Discover now