Chapter 4

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Lexi's POV

Crap. I'm doomed, I'm doomed! I can't let my dreams die right now, not right here. Not because of some pretty boy!

I knew eventually this would happen, but I expected it from a cop. Not some band boy!

I opened my eyes and looked down at the brown leather wallet in my hands. It was really thick, a great deal was in there. Me & Rissa could've gone months with this wallet alone. I sighed and tossed it over my shoulder in defeat, I'm sure blondie could catch.

I looked up to see a guy, about my age, only he wasn't blonde like I had expected. He had brown hair and some stubble. He had ripped skinny jeans, a plain graphic tee on, & mesmerizing brown eyes.

Wait, what? Did I just say that?

I'm not here to check out guys, if anything, this guy is going to rat me out.

Then it hit me, he was going to rat me out! I'm gonna go to jail, me & Rissa are going to split! Oh god, this guy is going to ruin my life! Crap.

In the middle of my panic attack, the guy I was facing snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, were you trying to steal Riker's wallet?" The guy asked with a raised eyebrow.

So that's blondie's name, Riker. I'll be sure to ask Rissa about him.

I grunted, "No shit, Sherlock."

Ratliff's POV

Ouch. Feisty much? Red hair and a heated personality, this might be interesting.

"Well you know, I could take you to the police-" I was cut off by her voice interrupting my own.

"I would rather turn myself in than go with you." She snapped and crossed her arms. Sassy.

"Oh really?" I said with a smug smirk, playing along. Riker didn't seem upset, he seemed rather entranced with the girl he was talking to. I don't think this incident needed to involve the officials, especially since the wallet was returned to Riker.

"Really." She stated.

"Well let's see," I started, "You have 2 choices." I held up two fingers.

She stayed silent, still seemingly angry.

"One, I could call the cops," I said taking out my phone, "or-" I was cut off again.

"Or what?" She said with a rude attitude that can knock you dead.

"Or, I could take you out on a date and we could forget this whole thing ever happened." I said trying to charm her. I heard Riker and the girl he was talking to snort, trying to contain their laughter after what I just said.

The girl he was talking to & the pick-pocket must've been sisters, or friends.

"A date? You don't even know my name!" She said, I felt her rage build but I kept going.

"No, but you surely know mine, don't you?" I was going over my head, but I could care less. I could hear more snickering from Riker and the other girl. I rolled my eyes and ignored them.

The girl scoffed, "Unfortunately for you, I'm afraid I don't."

Man, why is she such a smart ass?

"Ratliff, Ellington Ratliff." I said and held out my hand. She slowly pushed my hand away and refused to shake it, she simply nodded. "Well?"

"Well what?" She snapped back.

"Aren't you going to tell me yours?" I said, as kindly as I could.

"Do I have a choice?" She asked rolling her green eyes. Iwaved my phone in the air and she seemed to get the message. She sighed in defeat, "Lexi."

Lexi. Simple, but sweet. It suited her.

"I like it." I said and moved to her side and put an arm around her. She flinched and pulled away, followed by more laughter from Riker. I was striking out.

"Don't touch me." She said, but for the first time, she seemed hurt. Not sass-filled. I thought I saw tears forming, but that was impossible. She doesn't seem like the type to cry.

"Why?" I said as sympathetic as I could without seeming nosy.

"None of your business!" She snapped, she was back in her bubble. I couldn't get past that wall, not yet.

"Tell you what," I started and got a pen and a piece of paper. I wrote down my number and handed it to her. "I won't report you, if you give me a call." I stated holding out the paper for her to grab.

She rudely took the paper and rolled her eyes, "Don't count on it."

Riker's POV

'Oh, you're gonna count on it.' I said to myself. Me and Rissa have been video taping the whole thing on my phone, Rissa said this was bound to be hilarious after the first pick-up line.

I stepped in between the two, "You will call him." I said in an urge-filled tone.

"Why would I do that, pretty boy?" She said with a smug smirk.


"Because, we can easily report you, I have a clear video of who you are and what you look like." I said flipping out my phone to reveal the video.

She might've tried stealing all my cash, but Ell seemed to like her. I need to help the man out. I mean, no real harm was done anyway.

She sighed and slouched on a bench, "Do I have a choice?"

Both me and Ratliff simultaneously said, "No." With that, I called Ratliff over and walked away. I know I'll be seeing Rissa again, we planned to hang out later this week at the movies, my treat of course. I have a feeling my life is about to get a heck of a lot more interesting.

Rissa's POV

Wow, Riker is so my type! His bleach blonde hair just looked so natural, it was all I could do not to go crazy. We talked, introduced ourselves, the usual. He even asked me to hang out with him! At that rate, Lexi & me would have cash, & I would have a love life.

Okay, so enough of him, I was so scared at first that Lexi was going to get caught and taken away!

But I guess band boys care more about flirting than law & rules. Sort of like me and Lexi.

I sat down next to her on the green bench, she had a crunched up ball of paper in her hand. It was obvious she had planned to throw it away. She's not into the whole relationship thing, not after ... Nevermind. It's not my business to say.

"Hey, don't sweat it. Just tell him you're not interested." I said with a caring smile and I embraced her in a hug.

"You saw the way he acted! It's not going to be that easy." She said, & I saw a tear slip. That says a lot. She hasn't cried since ... Well forever.

We'll figure this out, I know we will.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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