4 Years Later and the House Through the Path

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It's only been 4 days since I got out of the White Witch's castle, and I can still picture every horrifying memory I had in there clearly. Getting slapped in the face and stabbed in the stomach because I wouldn't tell her Aslan's plans. At least she doesn't know.

"Sil," Kimberly says.

"What?" I ask.

"Did you hear anything that I just said?"


"I said 'What's that noise?'"

"I don't know. Let's go find out."

We head off to where Kim said she heard something. We see Tumnus over by the lamppost.

"Hello, Tumnus," Kim says.

"Hi, girls. What are you doing here?" he asks.

"We heard something, so we thought that we should come see what it was," I reply.

"Oh, sorry about that. I'm here because I was wondering about that prophecy. I just stopped and started thinking. That's probably what you heard. I hate to cut this short, but I must get home. Good bye, girls."

"Bye, Tumnus," We say in unison.

I look over toy left and see a little path, "What's that?"

Kimberly looks over, "It looks like a path."

"Wanna see where it goes?"

"Of course!"

"Follow me then."

I walk down the little pathway and realize that I'm not walking through branches anymore, "Kim, what are these?"

"I think that they're coats, Sil," she replies.

"Why would there be coats just lying around?"

"I don't know?"

We keep walking through the coats until we see a light. Kim rushes to the light and falls. I run out and fall next to her. I look up, and a tall man with grey hair and glasses is standing in this room with us.

"Where did you come from, girls?" the man asks.

"We came from Narnia," I say.

"Narnia? I haven't been there since I was just a boy!"

"You've been to Narnia?"

"Yes I have."

"You must be Digory Kirke!"

"I am. What are your names?"

"I'm Silvia Silver and this is Kimberly Kelley."

"Would you girls like to stay for a while?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"It's not a problem at all. I have plenty of room in this big house."

We talk for a very long time. I tell him what's going on in Narnia, and he tells me where we are and what's happening in England.

A/N: I know I haven't updated in forever, but please don't kill me. I changed from what I originally wrote which is why it took so long. More chapters on the way soon.

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