Chapter 6: The Unnatural Thorn

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As I turned in my bed I thought, 'How am I going to accept my past.' I always try to save others but when it's my turned to be saved it always fails. Class 2a never even saw my pain. To them I was just another quirk. Uraraka was my friend but I can never love a liar and a gossiper. In out first year, Mirio and Nejire were dating. Tamaki is aesexual so he never cared much. He was there support. If one did something wrong he would give them advice. Uraraka started a rumour about Nejire cheating with Tamaki. The third years and teachers didn't buy it. But everyone is did. It spread like wildfire until a video was released showing Uraraka spying on the too. The video showed that Mirio had become depressed after we lost Eri. She didn't know what to do and went to Tamaki for advice. She got advice and hugged him, something she was permitted to do. They were best friends and they knew they wouldn't betray eachother. Uraraka saw them hug and started the rumour.

That slut even tried to start a rumour that we were dating but everyone else knew it was a lie. Mainly because Shiozaki was always by my side and my quirk bond tattoos.

My train of thought was broken by a call.

"Hey Deku wanna go to the mall with the others." This girl needs to lay off my ass.
She's always trying but she needs to find up now.

"How about no." I said bluntly.

"Please Deku." I hang up the phone and did the IBnD protocol a.k.a. INSTANT BLOCK AND DELETE.

With her out of the wat I decided to meditate so that I could unlock the potential of my new form. I sat in a meditation position with my hands clapped my hands in a prayer position. I focused on the that surrounded me. The natural energy that flowed through all living and none living things. I focused on the sounds of the birds. The rustling leaves. I then closed my eyes and looked myself to see a blue fire with a piece of paper that said 'seal'. I imagined ripping it of and suddenly a burst of energy erupted. It was a dark blue haze that covered my body.

 It was a dark blue haze that covered my body

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He has Tobirama's CM(chakra mode)

I then looked in the mirror to see that I looked different. I had white hair with three red markings on my face but no sage mode.

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