The entire lounge was bustling with screams and cheers as Austin finished his last song of the night.

I smiled to myself at how easily I forgot how big of a celebrity he was and how insane it was that all of these people surrounding us were here because of how talented he was.

I watched him walk off of the stage to be surrounded by his team of security as he disappeared into the VIP section of the club.

I turned away from the now empty stage, making my way to the bar as the DJ's music now echoed through the sea of people.

I squirmed my way through the crowd, finally reaching the front of the bar to place my signature order of chilled Rosè.

I graciously accepted the halfway filled glass from the bartender, sipping a decent amount as I made my way to where I thought the rest of the team was.

I saw Vanessa and Smitty dancing loosely on the dance floor, entangled in each others arms. I shook my head at how adorable they were as I made my way to find my own other half.

I watched across the lounge as Austin sat comfortably on couch. The top two buttons on his shirt was undone and he held a cold glass of vodka and orange juice loosely in his hand.

I took in the sight of him as he hadn't noticed I was staring at him, admiring his looks.

He looked handsome as usual and I was in disbelief that he was sleeping with me. He was absolute work of art and I was so lucky that I got to enjoy him nearly every fucking night.

It was beyond me that we hadn't gotten caught yet. But that didn't even matter anymore. But I was ready as all hell to take things public with him. I just had to find the right time to tell him.

I mean what was stopping me other than myself from having the life I dreamed of with the man I was in love with.

There was no more holding back, I knew I had to tell him tonight.

The excitement building in the pit of my stomach was growing by the second and suddenly I couldn't wait for this night to be over so we would be wrapped up in Austin's sheets, telling him exactly how I felt about him.

My state of mesmeration was quickly shattered as I watched a girl with a short dress and high heels sink herself into Austin's lap.

My breath almost vanished from my lungs and I swear I couldn't even hear the music over the sound of my heart beating as I watched in slow motion as she nibbled onto his neck. 

I couldn't explain the turning feeling in my stomach as I blinked slowly at the sight in front of me.

My heart physically felt like it was breaking in two as tears threatened to brim in my stinging eyes.

Austin leaned in to her ear, exchanging words with the girl before I saw his hands grip onto her hips.

The same hands that gripped on my hips. The same hands that I allowed him to wrap my throat nearly every time we made love. The same hands that intertwined with my own.

The same hands that I put my fucking heart in.

I watched them exchange a few more words before the girl wrapped her arms around his neck. My heart dropped to the floor as I suddenly recognized her in the darkness of the dim club.


I swallowed hard, my body beginning to shake with a spread of emotions as my eyes locked with his. His unreadable expression instantly turned to worry as he attempted to get off of the couch. But Natalie remained firmly on his lap, pulling him back down.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now