Chapter 8: A Fun Break

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Previously- "Ana close your eyes." I told her. "What's that gonna do son?" He said laughing. "You've slipped up son I gave you a mission and you have yet to fulfill it." He snarled.

Jadens POV: "I'm working on it. You've just got to give me more time dad." I told him my voice getting lower. " I AM HADES THE KING OF THE UNDERWORLD! I WAIT FOR NO ONE! I GIVE ORDERS AND YOU DO AS I SAY!" He yelled with his hair and his eyes inflamed with fire.

I had Anastasia pulled close to me while I was still trying to cover her eyes. I didn't know how to respond to him and him yelling at me just made me angry. "I think you forgot what you were sent here to do. I SENT YOU HERE TO MAKE SURE THE GIRLS WERE  ON THE RIGHT PATH THE PATH I CREATED THE OLDEST GIRL SHOULD BE DEAD BY NOW!!!"

I looked down at Ana and she pushed me away. "What?" She asked me still crying. I didn't say anything I just looked at my dad. "I'm going home!" Ana yelled then she started to run. "You only have two weeks left. Your times running out boy." He whispered then he disappeared.

I appeared in front of Ana stooping her from running. "Ana calm down." I told her. "Why are you working with him! I thought you said that he was the bad guy!" She yelled crossing her arms. "I'm linked to him, sometimes I can't control it and I have to do what he says even when I don't want to. I made a promise that he doesn't know about that I would protect you and your sister and I will always stand by that promise but this time it just doesn't seem to be working out right." I told her. Then I walked her home.

Tatia's POV: School was out and I hadn't seen Jaden since he left. I started to get a little worried. When I walked outside of the school I saw Jaden standing by a motorcycle. "Is that yours?" I asked walking towards him.

"Yeap all mine. I had to find some other way to get around, wanna ride?" He asked. I smiled at him and got on.

Two weeks later

Me and Jaden have been hanging out for a while now. He kissed me every now and then but he still doesn't want to make anything official. One day I woke up Next to Jaden. We were on break from school and my dad had a business trip so Jaden was staying over and helping me with Ana.

I got out of bed without waking him and went to the kitchen to make me, him, and Ana breakfast. Not to long after I started cooking Ana walked in. "Morning Tati. Is the food ready?" She asked rubbing her eyes. "Nope I'm almost done." I told her. "Well what am I gonna do while you're cooking?" She sighed.

"Well you could always go mess with Jaden. I told her laughing." She smiled and took off to my room. I had finished the Pancakes and every thing else was done. I mad everyone plate and sat them on the table. Then I sat down.

I took a bite out of one of my pieces of bacon when Jaden walked in with Ana around his leg. "Why did you tell her to wake me up." He said pouting. I laughed at him. "Did you want to miss breakfast?" I asked him. He sat Ana down in one of the chairs then he sat next to me.

Later Ana wanted to go to the park and I wasn't feeling to well so I let Jaden take her. When they came back the sun was going down and when Jaden walked in he was holding Ana. She was sound asleep. I didn't want to wake her so Jaden put her in bed.

Then he came back to my room. "You look so good." He said coming up behind me and slowly kissing my neck. "You should take a shower." I softly laughed. "Are you gonna join me?" "You should take a shower." I softly laughed. "Are you gonna join me?" He ask finally turning me around and kissing my lips.

To be continued......

The Son Of Hades // Jaden Hossler (FF)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu