Chapter 3

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Mei was in the room with Yuzu she sat on bed staring at the unconscious blonde, she cupped Yuzu's cheek and move her thumb on Yuzu's lips, Mei was enjoying the moment when suddenly knocked at the door making the raven hair woman jumped a little, The door swung and she look at her daughter

"Mommy? she okay?" The little girl said and walking towards Mei as she gaze at the unconscious blonde, Mei follow her eyes to see what she was seeing, Mei tilted her head and smile at Suzume then she speak "She's okay honey...she just passed out" she saw the little girl lowered her head and gazing the floor "Is she passed out because I call her Mama?" Suzume said with a worried tone, Mei was surprised from her daughter words, she shook her head and wave Suzume to come over then she grab her daughter and put Suzume into her lap and speak in a soft tone

"No Suzume, Yuzu was passed out because she just tired and why would you say that?" Suzume lowered her head and look through her feet then said "I dunno...I think I made her mad then....then.." still focusing her feet Mei hold her daughter's chin lift up and gaze to vibrant Violet eyes like hers she give her reassuring smile then speak

"Suzume. Yuzu is a nice woman she has a bright smile like yours and kind she always put herself last just to help others" Mei pressed her forehead to Suzume then gently stroke her daughters hair making the girl giggle

Yuzu woke up And pretend napping as she heard the conversation 'oh she called me nice huh?..Wait..what? Why? Im blushing' Yuzu shook her head then rub her eyes to adjust the blurry image

"Mama! You're awake!?" Suzume face Yuzu and hug her as head bump yo Yuzu's nose making the blonde woman groan

"Suzume watched out" Mei said with a stern voice, Yuzu tap Suzume back as she sat up on bed holding her nose 'I hope it wouldn't bleed' she thought

"Sorry, Did it hurt? Please don't be mad" said Suzume with a concern tone and bend her head down, Yuzu let out a chuckle then ruffle the little girl's hair and said "It hurts a little bit but Dont be silly, How come I get mad in such a beautiful young lady" the little girl blushes and look up and gaze into Bright emerald eyes, Yuzu in the staring contest as they lost in each other

"You have a such beautiful eyes like your mommy" said Yuzu lean into the little girl and kissed her forehead. Mei in the side blush and look away from Yuzu compliment then someone knocks on the door the moment of Yuzu and Suzume suddenly interrupted when Ume's speak

"Mei sweetheart is Yuzu awake? Someone here to see Yuzu" she said behind the door, Mei is about to response but Yuzu answered first

"Im just awoken, Tell them I'll be out just give me a few minutes and I'll be there Mama!" As the door swung Ume standing in the doorway and sigh in relief then said "Very well bub, Suzume honey I thought you said you're hungry, I made you snack" Ume give her cheeky smile the little girl stomach growling and making the young womens laugh

"I think you should go and grab some food" said Mei while giggle, Suzume look away and shyly nodded Then she get up and made her way to the door and stop "um..Mama...wanna come?" She shyly ask, Yuzu got up in the bed stood straight and spoke "I'll be there sweetie give me some minutes" as she blow a flying kiss to the little girl, Suzume nodded happily and made her out through the room, Yuzu walked towards the bathroom entrance leaving the door open and began undressing herself

Mei was shock from what she see without noticing she's staring the blonde for awhile she shook her head then look away then she heard the bathroom door shut she saw Yuzu half naked making her blush then ask "Yuzu what are doing?" saying in a low voice then pull a strand of her hair from the back of her ears

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