Momo pov

I looked at the two boys. They nodded and I sighed a little. They might be able to help me with my complete suffering. I wanted to be able to eat food again but my stupid brain doesn't think I should and just makes it so I can't.

" thanks I guess." I say walking shakily over to Bakugou and Todoroki. Aizawa then tells us a few things.

" this means that during certain classes you three will be going to the cafeteria and trying to get a little food in you alright Yaoyorozu?" Aizawa looked at me and I nodded. Though I did it with too much vigor and I became a bit light headed. 

" you three should go back to the dorms for the rest of the school day. I'll check on you after class." Aizawa says then turns and leaves. Todoroki and bakugou help get me out of the school. Bakugou was actually be gentle and nice. I thought while unlocking my dorm room. We went inside and I flopped on the bed.

" would you like to try a little something to put in your mouth for now?" Bakugou Asked. I smiled at him a little and nodded a tiny hit. He hadn't said eat which helped. Todoroki left and came back a a small container of crackers and a glass of water. I was thankful for the water. 

" you only get to have one of the crackers." Bakugou demanded. He said he not had to. It was as f he knew the exact things to say to someone with Anorexia like me. As if he had already dealt with something like me. I looked at the cracker that was handed to me and slowly put it too my lips it made a satisfying crunch and I choked it down coughing a little at the end. That's when I heard a clapping noise. I looked up to see that Todoroki and Bakugou were clapping and smiling widely at me. It kinda made me feel proud I had but unto the cracker.

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