Chapter 2|| Ellison

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Ashley Thomas was unlike any girl that Ellison had crossed paths with before in his eighteen years of life. The girl was bold, beyond measure. She was quite outspoken -- a quality that Ellison found foreign in many girls, especially the ones back home.

Ashley was also undoubtedly beautiful with her straight platinum blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes. 

The thing about Ashley was that the girl was the definition of beautiful and she knew just that.

It was safe to say that he hadn't managed to get her off his mind for the past few days.

Ellison wasn't looking forward to the move to America that was forthcoming when his mother had remarried a few months ago to Robert, an American business man. It was two years ago that Robert had waltzed into Ellison's rather quiet life and well, to put it plainly, fucked it up.

From the minute the slightly built and greying man had first walked through their door that Thursday night, Ellison knew things were going to change for them. He'd never guess it'd change this much.

Ellison wanted to believe that maybe the relationship wouldn't last but then suddenly the guy was leaving clothing in the drawers that were once his dad's and then he was finding his toothbrush in the shared family bathroom. When his mother came home with the ring six months ago, he just knew that nothing was going to be the same.

He would openly admit that he didn't like the that man that had managed to pry his way into his mother's heart but he won't deny that Robert did make his mother happy. So, although he wasn't one to play happy families, he'd be civil, for the sake of his mother's happiness and his younger sister's. Robert treated Ellison as his own, as he did with, Sarah, his younger sibling but Ellison didn't want this random guy to come in and try to play his dad.

Fuck, he didn't want anything to do with the man at all.

It was bad enough that he'd made his entire family uproot their lives and move to another fucking continent and now here he was trying to talk with him and invite him to baseball games and preppy country clubs.

Fuck that.

Ellison wasn't usually an angry person nor a hateful one either but one can easily say that Robert was his least favorite person on the fucking planet.

There was absolutely nothing that appealed to him here, not even Robert's large house or the sports car that he'd gifted him with. It was obvious that the man was desperate for Ellison's approval. Ellison could see straight past his bullshit. He showered him with expensive gifts repeatedly. Of course that hardly made a dent of change towards Ellison's ill feelings towards him but it was nice that he thought he could try.

There was nothing that appealed him here up until he locked eyes with her a few days ago. Ashley. He'd only had a brief conversation with her on his first day, slightly elated that she was now his Biology lab partner. Ellison wouldn't deny that he was attracted to her. If any straight, hot-blooded male wasn't attracted to her then he surely needed to get himself checked. However, pushing aside the obvious attraction, there was something else. Ellison was curious for sure. He was curious about her. He wanted to more. He wanted to know her.

Ellison liked to believe that everyone had secrets, skeletons in their closet, if you wanted to call it that and he wondered, what skeletons did Ashley hide. Was she really as bold and open as she seemed or was it a façade?

It was currently lunch period and despite his efforts, Ellison's honey eyes couldn't help bout scour the crowded cafeteria in order to locate Ashley. 

She looked damn good today, dressed in a pair of fitting skinny jeans and a red top that showed just a tiny bit of her stomach, leaving the rest to imagination. Her hair was pin straight and running down her back, which he assumed was it's natural state and her lips were painted in that all too familiar red lipstick that he'd seen her apply at her locker twice today upon passing by. 

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