Do u need ride home?

The anger disappears slightly, reading his words. It's so sweet how he is always thinking about me. I quickly text him back.

No thanks, Jay bay.

Kerri takes her ear buds out ready to gossip. "What the hell is all that?" She asks as though she witnessed everything that transpired moments ago between Jason, Leslie, and myself.

I shrug and zip my bag up as my phone starts vibrating across the table again. Another message from Jason

Dont forget dinner at ur house. C u then. :)

I put my phone back down on the table as Kerri stares at me in curiosity. She is so nosey.

"And that says what?"

"He will see me later. Apparently, I forgot that tonight that we are having dinner at my house."

"Mmm . . . apparently." I hear the sarcasm in her voice right away.

I text him quickly. I really don't want to do dinner tonight at my house. Things between us are getting complicated and slowly feeling like a relationship. I need time to think about our next step.

No dinner Jay bay.

I watch his face as he gets my text. He looks at me for a moment and shakes his head.

"You guys are now having a love affair through the damn phone without talking." Kerri looks pass me at the entrance of the library. "Ooh, girl, Aaron just walked in." Kerri and I both watch as Aaron comes walking in with some friends. I look at Jason, and he is also looking at Aaron. He frowns up a little and then makes eye contact with me.

"Hey, Aaron!" Kerri waves, and I try to grab her arm, but it is too late.

He already sees us and is making his way to us. Kerri gathers her things rather quickly. "Girl, I got to go meet Terrance. Invite him to the show with us on Friday. Bye."

She walks off just as he is walking up to the table. I look after her and then look at him. "Wow. I am going to kill her."

He laughs and sits down across from me." She keeps trying to throw us together, huh?"

I smile tightly at him and nod my head.

"I must not be a guy then, huh." He shows off his pearly whites and dimples. "What did you think about class today?" He asks, sitting back in his chair.

Class? I don't know! "I wasn't paying attention." I blurt out, nervously licking my lips.

He laughs, nodding his head in agreement. "I wasn't either. What do you do for fun, when you aren't here?"

I blink a couple times, making sense of the fact that Aaron from French Two is wanting to have a full conversation with me. "Nothing much." I mumble, thinking of a way to escape this whole thing. "The basic stuff like hanging with friends."

"Yeah, I don't do too much. I play a little football, a little basketball. Hang out with friends and cousins. Sometimes go to parties." He rambles on, oblivious to the fact that the conversation is dead on my end. "Do you want to maybe join me at a party sometime?" He carefully asks, tensing up enough for me to notice.

"I don't know. Maybe." I do not have the heart to reject him face to face, while visibly seeing him brace for an answer.

"Okay, so I know that you told me you're focused on school and I am too, but everyone take a break to do something outside their focus. It's healthy."

I grin, shaking my head. "I'll pass. I have things going on." The lie leave my tongue.

"So you spend time with friends, right? He quizzes me.

My Forever BoyWhere stories live. Discover now