Brothers best friend.

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Sorry Im on vacation and forgot. Hope you like it. Radical-80s-Baddie also I kinda got carried away.

Corey Feldman was Y/n's older brother. She loved her brother, he was the most important person in her life. But through the years people have come and gone friends, family, pets.

Y/n has always had a list of people whom she wanted to never leave.

Her brother was the first name on the list. Obviously.

Wil Wheaton was next, he is Y/n's best friend.

Sean Astin was Y/n's neighbor and good friend.

Y/n and Corey's parents.

Then Corey Haim. Her brothers best friend. And her secret boyfriend.

The first day they met there was an instant connection. Her brother introduce her to him, he couldn't keep his eyes off.

His blue eyes trailing down her body, mesmerized by her curves. He couldn't stop his mind from wondering what she would her skin would feel like, her hair in his fist, the taste of her.

Well a year later he confessed to her about his feelings, of course she returned the same feelings back.

They have been dating a year now. In secret. Being careful about dates, kisses and other things behind closed door. (◠‿◕)

Prom was coming up and all she and Wil could talk about is how magical that night will be. But of course she couldn't go with Corey and Wil had a date and Sean had one too.

Y/n felt tired of hiding. It was time him and her to show their relationship to the world.

Honey (๑˙❥˙๑) - Corey
Hot✿stuff - Y/n

Hot✿stuff - are we always gonna be in secret?

Honey (๑˙❥˙๑) - what do you mean? We're not in secret we want to the movies yesterday.

Hot✿stuff - yeah. I mean like my brother and my best friend don't even know. It's hard not being able to tell them this.

Honey (๑˙❥˙๑) - but things are good like this. Just us. Not anyone else.

Hot✿stuff - ok.

Hot✿stuff- are you gonna pick me up after my tennis game with Wil?

Honey (๑˙❥˙๑) - yep.

At the tennis court.

"Haha I beat you again Willy my boy you're gonna have to learn to play." Y/n said smirking.

" I know how to play. You just suck and wouldn't let me win." He said getting ready to leave.

" Have another audition?"

"Yep. I'm auditioning for the movie toy soldier the part I want is Joseph trotta."

" Well hope you get the part."

" Thanks. See you later." Wil waved and he was gone.

Y/n started packing up. Getting ready for her boy toy to come pick her up.

" You know that skirt is super small."
A pair of hands landed on her waist. Y/n knowing that it was her boyfriend by his voice.

Y/n turned to face him, kissing his lips. His hands grabbing her ass. She smiled against his lips.

" You son of a bitch." They tired to see her brother standing there. "You're fucking my little sister?!?!" He walked off to his car pissed off at the sight he saw.

"Corey! Come back!" Y/n yelled running after her brother.

"Why are you with him?" Corey finally stopped walking.

"Because I love him!! And you can't stop us from being together."

"You should fucking stupid. He doesn't love you, heck he doesn't like you. God, you're so fucking stupid!!" Corey screamed at Y/n, she began to cry. "Come on I'll drive you home."

They walked to his car. Her a crying mess, him a raging ball of fire. They drove in silence.

" You are to never see him again." Corey finally said. Y/n wasn't crying at the moment.

" Why?"

" Because you're just gonna get hurt."

"No I'm not!"

"Y/n! Yes you are. Think about how long have you two been together?"

" A year."

" Jesus Christ Y/n. How come you two never went public?"

" He... didn't.... want .....too." As Y/n said this tears rolled down her cheeks. When they arrived home they both were shocked to see Corey there.

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