Extended Summary

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        For as long as she could remember, the aquarium has been a part of Thea Greyson's life. She took her first steps in front of the otter habitat, she spoke her first words at a sea turtle protection rally, and learned how to swim before she could recite her ABC's. It's all she's ever known. Not to mention that she's meant to inherit the place as soon as her parents throw in the towel and retire. Thea's life has been mapped out for her, and for seventeen and a half years she's been perfectly okay with that. There were no complications, no kinks. Everything made sense - everything was safe.

        Enter Wesley Ridgewell.

        Armed with a large vocabulary, sharp wit, and a come-what-may attitude Wesley stumbles (literally) into Thea's world and proceeds to turn it upside down. A self-proclaimed free spirit with no sense of direction, Wesley is everything Thea is not. Where Thea was careful, Wes was careless. Where Wes was charming, Thea was awkward. But with the help of a stubborn bottlenose dolphin, two mischievous sea otters, and an eviction notice what began as a forced partnership blossoms into something more as the two work together to save the only thing they have in common.

        Thea always thought she had herself, and most importantly her future, figured out. Wes was just fine rolling with the punches, leaving things undecided, facing the open road. Neither of them thought they needed anything more, much less each other. But there are things words can't hide and planning can't prevent and sooner or later things will either fall into place or fall apart.

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Author's Note : Hello! So this is the extended summary to my new story Making Waves! I'm really super excited about it and I can't wait to post the first chapter. I got the inspiration for this story watching Dolphin Tales 1 & 2 (fantastic movies by the way, 10/10 reccomend) and I decided to combine my love for writing and my love for animals into one summer project. The ocean and everyone of it's creatures is really important to me which is why I physically needed to write this story. This story will touch a lot on the importance of protecting every kind of wildlife and their respective habitats. Every chapter or so I'll be posting a link to a different marine wildlife aswell as regular wildlife preserve campaings so you can check those out !

Ideally I won't be posting chapters until I can start posting regularly, but I know I'll probably give in and post the first chapter soon. I am a senior in highschool and the next two months of school are going to make writing really hard but I'll do my best. You can expect frequent updates as of mid May. Anyways, COMMENT and VOTE and let me know what you think!

Making WavesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora