Elliott settled once again behind the counter. The store was empty, save for an older woman browsing the lettuce in the back. Elliott liked it when it was calm in the store, he embraced the break, but he also loved when it was busy. That was when his mind couldn't concentrate on the past.

Wes offered Elliott a piece of cookie. "Want some?" It was almost like a peace offering, one Elliott didn't want to refuse. He was hungry, and the taste of the cookie on his tongue made him close his eyes and smile. It tasted out of this world!

"I take it you don't eat a lot of cookies, huh."

Elliott shook his head. "Not really. I mean, Anna bakes but I don't eat the stuff. I can't. Never again, not after-"

Elliott caught himself. He didn't want to share any of his past to Wes. He was somewhat afraid that Wes wouldn't see him the same if he knew about Elliott's past. There was something about child abuse that made people weird to be around. Elliott had once made the mistake of telling someone right after they had left. It was a guy from his high school, someone Elliott had never really talked too much but the two had worked on many projects together. Elliott felt like he should know, but he got weird after knowing the truth. Wouldn't look him in the eyes, stuff like that.

That was one of the reasons Elliott didn't tell people. Another was because he knew he couldn't keep protecting mother. As much as he hated her, he loved her more. It was sick and twisted, but unavoidable. And, there was the secret.

It was better if people just didn't know.

Wes ignored that blip, and again Elliott was thankful. "Tell me more about Anna."

"Like what?"

"Like, is she nice? My dad has seen her around a few times, and I think he likes her." Elliott immediately felt envious. Even Anna could find someone to love her, but Elliott never would. He wished his life was so easy where people could easily fall into his life without prying and pestering.

"Anna is great." Elliott said, almost robotically. "She's an excellent cook. She's caring. She loves to volunteer."

Wes thought it was strange how Elliott talked about Anna, but then again, he knew Anna wasn't Elliott's real mother, and he also knew a little bit about how messed up he was. No person would easily accept someone as their mother.

"Well, I'll let my dad know, I guess."

Things were growing awkward quickly. For some reason, Wes felt stiff and not at all like he had around the baby cow. Elliott hated to think that he was losing Wes so quickly, because he was just starting to like him. Just starting to see the value in friendship.

Wes caught Elliott staring, and smiled. "What do you think about maybe hanging out outside of work? I just got a new television for my room, and we could play some videogames. Or, we could pass around a soccer ball. Your pick."

Elliott watched with interest as Wes leaned against the counter, a lazy smile on his face. Elliott wanted so badly to be his friend, even though he knew better. But, that didn't stop him from wanting it. Video games didn't interest him in the slightest, but playing soccer could work.

"I like soccer."

Wes laughed. "I gathered that. Well, we could hang out this Saturday at my house or yours."

Elliott shook his head. "Not mine." He couldn't stand the thought of seeing Arian and Mat watching him interact with Wes. They would have too many questions.

"That's fine. I live right next door." Wes smiled cheekily, again. "This will be fun, I promise. It's just me and my dad right now, but he probably won't be home. And if he is, he's pretty cool anyway."

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