The Devil Child

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So, you may be wondering, whats up with this update on a sunday?

Unfortunately, it's NOT a new chapter. Instead, it's a SNEAK PEAK at the sequel for this story.

The name and Prologue have been released: It's called The Devil Child, and you can find it on my profile.

I am ONLY releasing the prologue until later this summer. Because of this, PLEASE GO ADD IT TO YOUR LIBRARY SO YOU KNOW WHEN I UPDATE IT!

To find out who stars in it... you have to go find out (;

IN OTHER NEWS, this story is coming to a close. And because I will NOT be starting up the sequel directly after this story comes to a close, you guys are probably wondering, what can you read from me?

WELL. Glad you asked!

Not Your Astromistress, which is a horror story, will be updated over this summer. It already has 2 chapters, and i suggest you go take a peek! It'll be gruesome, bloody, and thrilling. And you can bet it'll be full of plot twists and surprises (;

I LOVE ALL OF YOU! My final goal for this story is for it to be top 5. Do you guys think we can make it? We've made it to the #9 spot... but I want the top five. Are you guys up to the challenge??

(If you don't know how to get stories to the top, all you have to do is vote and comment. adding the story to your library and personal lists helps too, but i'm not forcing anyone to do that haha)It would help a bunch if you guys could vote on this chapter and any previous chapters you havent yet voted on!

I hope The Skeleton Boy gets there before I finish it. And I hope you guys have a WONDERFUL week! xoxo

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