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(A/N- thanks so much if you are reading this. The characters are the amazing James Dashner's)

"OH..." I say through breaths "..MINHO....STOP!"

He starts to slow down, but slow for Minho is going like 20 miles per hour. I start to speed up, sweat forming around my hair line, all of a sudden I'm right behind him. I reach out my hand and grab a bundle of t-shirt, yanking it back.

He stops, too suddenly, I ram right in the back of him.
"What the actual shuck are you doing? Are you jacked in the head or something?"

"Na, just wanted a bit of fun!" Minho says, not even sounding out of breath, his hair still on point.

"Really? At bloody 3 in the actual morning?" I pant, rubbing my eyes.
"Hell yeah! What?, you afraid of a little morning run?"

"Shut up shank, I could kick you out you know?"
"AWW is little Newty a little grumpy?" He says in a baby voice.

"Yes Minho, yes I am. Now get the shuck away before I kill you with a bloody carrot!" A small laugh escapes my mouth.

"Wow, now there Newt, calm down, no need for that dude," he says backing slowing away, his hand up in the air. "But if you are challenging me, let me just get my potato." He kneels down and from behind his back he pulls out a rarther ugly looking potato.

"Ha," I say "what the klunk are you going to do with that?"

"Throw it at ya big blonde head, shank" A smile forming on his face.
"Okay, this klunk just got serious!" I step forward and get him in a head lock, I use my free hand and ruffle up his hair.

Ha, now his hair won't look nice.
"Ahh, okay, okay! Now slim it shank, it kinda hurts."

I unlock my arm from around his neck, he stands up straight, pulling down his top as he does. Shuck, his hair still looks good!

"AWW, is little Minho grumpy." I say copying his voice.

"Oh shut up," A smile once again on his face. " come on, bed time."

(A/N- thanks so much again if you have read it, if you like it,well please like/comment! If you didn't like it then I'm sorry, but it's the best I can do! Thanks for reading it anyway!)

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