Part 10 (I)

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Hello Everyone,
Here is next part of the my story.
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This part is sub part and small also. So bear it.

After giving needful answer to Malhotra's and some punishment. Manik and Nandini come to Manik's quarter. Nandini is surprised seeing Manik's bold side. She is happy that he is getting bold and speaking without any fear.

Manik's Quarter,

Manik and Nandini come inside the quarter. Nandini lock the door. While removing her jewellery she speak,

Nan: (with smile she speak) Wow my Shona become brave and gives good answer to Malhotra's. I am very happy today and I am proud of you Shona.

Nandini frown not receiving any reply from Manik. That's why she turned and faced him. She started observing Manik who is standing in some different position. Seeing Nandini looking at him, Manik only show his teeth. Nandini become confused seeing his behaviour and moves towards Manik and sniff and become shocked because she smell alcohol from Manik's mouth. Seeing Nandini very close to him Manik speak in his intoxication state,

Man: (he speak in his Intoxication state) you know you are very beautiful not only from outside but from your heart also. You know after looking at you I feel something something in my stomach.

Nan: Shona you are drunk, did you drink alcohol?

Man: (nodding his head in no he speak) No no I didn't drink Nandu. You know Manik is very good boy. He never touched to alcohol. I hate it you know.

Nan: (speak to herself) I think some one purposefully sprink his drink. I have to find out that.

Turning towards Manik she speak,

Nan: Shona will you listen to me.

Man: If I listen then what will you give to me Nandu?

Nan: Whatever you want Shona.

Man: (showing Pinky finger he says) Pinky promise.

Nan: (holding his pinky finger in her pinky finger says) Pinky promise Shona.

Man: (started dancing saying) Hey Nandu will full fill my wish. Nandu will full fill my wish. Nandu.....

Nan: (holding dancing Manik by his both hand she speak) Shona didn't you said that you will listen to me.

Man: (while pouting he speak) Yes.

Nan: Now be good boy and sit on bed Shona.

Saying she dragged him very difficultly and make him sit on bed and says,

Nan: Shona you sit here, I will come back in 5 minutes. Don't try to move from here.

Man: Okk.

After that Nandini moves towards her bag and take out her laptop. Taking her laptop, Nandini come and sit besides Manik. She opened her laptop and start it. Seeing laptop Manik become happy and speak,

Man: Nandu laptop, I want it. Give it to me. I want to play game in this.

Nan: Shona I will give you after completing my work.

Man: You know this Malhotra's always take my laptop from me whenever I come from office. They never give me before going to office. You know when I am studying, I require computer but they didn't give me. My teacher is very good, she always provide me extra hours to study on computer. Nandu give it to me.

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