- I know what you mean, I feel that too sometimes. Jungkook said.

- But what if something is wrong with him?

- We just have to trust the doctors.

- I don't know what to do Kook. I'm scared. You said as tears started to roll down your cheeks.

- I know baby. But if he doesn't get better we can go to the hospital again. Jungkook said as he hugged you.

He laid down on the bed and pulled you on top of him. You rested your head on his strong chest and he slowly caressed your back calmingly with one hand while the other one was playing with your hair. You both talked about your concerns and about what was on your minds until it was morning and time for work.

You and Jungkook went to work and Y/D/N and Jeonsan were at school. The day started normally until you got a call from your son's kindergarten.

- Hello. You said.

- Hello Mrs Jeon, we are calling because Jeonsan is not feeling well. The woman on the phone said.

- He is not? I will come and pick him up. Thank you for calling me. You said and sighted.

- We will see you soon. She said.

- Yeah bye. You said before you hung up.

You finished what you were doing and then you left the building. During the car ride, you called Jungkook to inform him of what had happened. He told you that he was going to come home earlier as well. You picked Jeonsan up from kindergarten and then you drove home.

Jeonsan had gotten a fever again and the bruises started to appear all over his body. Jeonsan was taking a nap in his room while you sat with your computer in yours and Jungkook's shared bedroom. You were really worried so you did that one thing you should never do when someone is sick. You googled his symptoms. It, of course, didn't calm down your nerves it only made them worse. You were so caught up on reading about all the different diseases he could have that you didn't notice Jungkook had walked in.

- Hi baby. He said as he took off his shoes and jacket.

- Hi Kook. You said not looking up from your computer.

He walked over to you and laid down on the bed next to you, kissing your cheek

- What are you doing? He asked as he lifted his head to see what you were doing.

- Nothing. You lied as you continued to read.

- No, no. Y/N you know you're not supposed to search this stuff up on Google. It will just make you even more worried. He said, trying to take the computer away from you.

- I know Jungkook but he is just not getting better and I need to know what it could be.

- Let's go to the hospital instead. Jungkook said as he sat up on the bed.

- What?

- Let's go to the hospital. You're right, Jeonsan can be sick and we need to check it up.

- But we already have and they said nothing is wrong.

- But like you said he is not getting better. It's better that we get him checked up again instead of you stressing about this. Jungkook said as he dragged you up from the bed.

Jungkook picked your sleeping son up in his arms and then he sat down in the car with him in his lap. You sat down on the driver's seat and started driving towards the hospital. Jungkook called his parents to tell them about Jeonsan and they went to your house to take care of Y/D/N.

At the hospital, they gave Jeonsan a separate room. You looked at him in the hospital bed, he looked very pale, and he had big, dark circles underneath his eyes. Jungkook sat next to him as Jeonsan was playing games on Jungkook's phone. A doctor had come in a few minutes ago to run tests on him again.

By now it was dark outside and Jeonsan was sleeping. You and Jungkook sat on two chairs talking when a doctor came in.

- Mrs and Mr Jeon can we please talk to you outside. She said.

You and Jungkook walked outside, he had his arm protectively around your waist as you tightly gripped his hand.

- So we have got the results back. And they are not so good as he had hoped. She started.

- Ok... You said preparing yourself for what she was about to say.

- Before we tell you the results we just want you guys to know that, this is something that will take a long time to go through and it will be many hard times but we are here and we promise that we will do everything in our power to make him better. She said.

- Please just tell us the results doctor. Your shaky voice was barely audible.

- So the results show that he-

When she said those words the whole world stopped. It was the words you had feared the most. She continued to speak but you couldn't hear. The word she had said echoed through your mind over and over again. You felt tears roll down your cheeks and Jungkook's arms around you tightened. You just stared out with empty eyes. Why did this happen to my son? You asked yourself. Why did stuff always happen to my family?

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